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Jona Tarlengco

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Jona Tarlengco is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture since 2018. She usually writes about safety and quality topics, contributing to the creation of well-researched articles. Her years of experience in one of the world’s leading business news organisations helps enrich the quality of the information in her work.

Articles by Jona Tarlengco

  • Quality
  • Quality Management
los trabajadores planifican los objetivos de calidad|Gerente y oficinista planifican los objetivos de calidad mediante una aplicación móvil|quality objectives examples|Ejemplos de objetivos de calidad

Quality Objectives

Detail targets and ensure adherence to quality policy with a mobile app for documentation, communication, and implementation of quality objectives

  • Chemical Safety
  • Safety
|hoja de datos de seguridad-banner|Plantilla de hoja de datos de seguridad | iAuditor|Plantilla de hoja de datos de seguridad

Safety Data Sheet Template

Use this free Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Template for better handling of hazardous chemicals in the workplace

  • Operations
  • Retail
|plan de lanzamiento de un producto|Lista de control para el lanzamiento de productos

Product Launch

Never miss a process step and guarantee a successful product launch with a digital checklist

  • Business Processes
|||Formulario de evaluación de la formación

Training Evaluation Forms

Gather and analyze training feedback through digital and customizable training evaluation forms

  • Housekeeping
  • Maintenance
hotel manager using SOP checklist|Personnel d'entretien des hôtels Audit des procédures d'entretien ménager (SOP)|Housekeeping SOP Checklist|Hotel Housekeeping SOP Checklist|Hotel Housekeeping SOP Checklist

Housekeeping SOP Checklist

Ensure staff follow the correct housekeeping procedures and best practices with digital housekeeping SOP checklists and forms

  • Operations
el propietario de una tienda previene los robos en el comercio minorista mediante una herramienta de inspección en una tableta

Retail Theft

Learn about the definition of retail theft, examples of retail theft prevention, and how to prevent theft in retail stores with a real-time inspection and reporting tool that teams can use for free.

  • Operations
gestion du commerce de détail : responsable de magasin dans les opérations quotidiennes de vente au détail

Retail Management

Know more about the basics of retail management, the responsibilities and skills of retail managers, and how retailers can optimize operations with best practices.

  • Medical Safety
  • Safety
elderly home common area|Elderly Home Common Room|elderly home safety checklist|Nursing Home Hazards

Elderly Home Safety Checklist

Prevent avoidable falls among the elderly with digital home safety and elderly home assessment checklists

  • Quality
  • Quality Management
análisis de la causa raíz

Root Cause Analysis Template

Analyze and eliminate the root cause of the problem using mobile-ready RCA templates that you can download digitally or as PDFs

  • Incidents
  • Safety

Incident Report Template

Generate real-time incident reports in PDF, Microsoft Word, and digital formats. Increase workplace safety with free incident report templates and forms.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Safety
|risk assessment template|risk assessment form|risk assessment template|risk assessment example|risk assessment form template|risk assessment template checklist|Risk assessment template||

Risk Assessment Template

Identify hazards and implement safety controls with digital risk assessment templates tailored to diverse industries. Generate risk assessment reports using any device.

  • Equipment Maintenance
  • Maintenance
entretien des cellules de refroidissement|Chiller Maintenance Checklist for Commercial Chillers

Chiller Maintenance Checklist

Immediately detect potential chiller failures and achieve maximum efficiency with digital chiller maintenance checklists