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Jona Tarlengco

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Jona Tarlengco is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture since 2018. She usually writes about safety and quality topics, contributing to the creation of well-researched articles. Her years of experience in one of the world’s leading business news organisations helps enrich the quality of the information in her work.

Articles by Jona Tarlengco

  • Aviation
  • Transportation
drone preflight checklist featured image|Drone Preflight Checklist Banner|drone preflight checklist|drone preflight checklist 5 point guide

Drone Preflight Checklist

Ensure safe and legal drone operations
On-the-go drone app for professional drone pilots

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
les chefs de projet utilisent des modèles d'étude d'opportunité sur tablette et ordinateur portable||Business Case Template

Business Case Template

Easily create a compelling business case using industry templates you can download and use for free.

    ||cleaning checklist|Plantilla de limpieza

    Cleaning Schedule Template

    Easily keep track of cleaning tasks and streamline your daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedules

    • Equipment Maintenance
    • Maintenance
    mantenimiento correctivo realizado por el ingeniero de mantenimiento en la tableta

    Corrective Maintenance

    Learn about corrective maintenance vs preventive maintenance, types of corrective maintenance with examples, and how to perform corrective maintenance efficiently.

      project management template featured (1)|project management template banner|5 Phases of Project Management||Project Status Report

      Project Management Template

      Make your next project run smoothly with standardized processes

      • Operations
      sistema de gestión de inventarios mediante programas informáticos disponibles en tabletas

      Inventory Management

      Learn about inventory management and types of inventory system, advantages of an inventory management system, and how to streamline inventory-related processes with inventory management tools.

      • Equipment Maintenance
      • Maintenance
      worker doing maintenance work on an equipment


      Learn about the different types of maintenance, its pros and cons, and how each industry benefits from good maintenance practices

      • Construction Safety
      • Safety
      |confined space risk assessment banner||Confined Space Risk Assessment Template

      Confined Space Safety

      Learn about confined space safety, the hazards involved, and safety tips to stay safe in confined spaces.

      • Business Processes
      • Operations
      manager instructs new hires using a work instruction template

      Work Instruction Template

      Maintain high-quality standards across your operations. Utilize digital work instruction templates to drive efficiency and ensure accuracy.

      • Business Processes
      • Operations
      ||Plantilla de informe de las 8D

      8D Report Template

      Address recurring issues with 8D report templates and implement preventive measures for sustainable business solutions. Learn the process of this problem-solving approach with this comprehensive 8D report guide

      • Business Processes
      • Operations
      Employees discussing their crisis management plan

      Crisis Management Plan Template

      Enhance safety and productivity with digital crisis management plan templates

      • Manufacturing Safety
      • Safety

      Commissioning Checklists

      Validate performance and reduce risk of unplanned downtime, and conduct efficient installation, functional, and operational checks with a mobile app

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