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Jona Tarlengco

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Jona Tarlengco is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture since 2018. She usually writes about safety and quality topics, contributing to the creation of well-researched articles. Her years of experience in one of the world’s leading business news organisations helps enrich the quality of the information in her work.

Articles by Jona Tarlengco

  • Digital Tool
  • Operations
workflow software for teams|iAuditor as a workflow software|Forms On Fire|BP Logix Process Director|FileHold|Kissflow|Intellect|Pipefy|Bitrix24|Miro|Flowbiz by Werkflo

Best Workflow Softwares

What is workflow software? Find out 10 best Workflow Management Softwares and choose which best fits your team.
  • Quality
  • Quality Management
l'équipe dfmea utilise des outils pour effectuer l'analyse des modes de défaillance et des effets de la conception

DFMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)

Learn about the DFMEA process with examples and how to perform an effective DFMEA using free tools.

  • Equipment Maintenance
  • Maintenance
HVAC inspection using an HVAC app|Service Titan HVAC App|Housecall Pro HVAC App


HVAC apps that are easy to learn, use, and implement. Discover how HVAC apps can boost employee productivity and efficiency.
  • Digital Tool
  • Operations
EHS manager using waste management software with an ipad|waste management software leanpath|waste management software waste accountant|waste management software energy star|waste management software iauditor|waste management software sustrax|waste management software iscrap right|waste management software compost manager|waste management software track your truck|waste management software chemical safety|waste management software cloud pital

Waste Management Software

Check out 10 of the best waste management software. Discover the different types of waste management software and its basic functions.
  • Quality
  • Quality Management
gestión de la calidad total con la alta dirección, el ingeniero y el trabajador de la planta de fabricación

Total Quality Management (TQM)

Learn about the definition of total quality management, why it is important, principles of total quality management, answers to frequently asked questions, and tools to help implement TQM efficiently.

  • Operations
  • Record Management
el jefe de mantenimiento redacta la orden de trabajo con el ordenador portátil

Work Order

Learn about the definition of a work order, its importance and difference with other related forms, tips on writing a job order with an example, and how to stay on top of work order management.

  • Quality
  • Quality Management


Discover how Heijunka can help with production workflow. Take a look at ways of leveling production and an example of how to perform Heijunka

  • Hospitality Management
  • Operations
bakery-inspection-checklist-featured-mig|bakery-inspection-checklist-banner|Bakery Inspection Checklist

Bakery Inspection

Proactively catch issues of OSHA non-compliance using mobile devices
Help ensure the safety of bakeries for all employees

  • Quality
  • Quality Management

Quality Management Tools

Learn about quality management, tools, and other techniques to determine the root cause of a problem. Ensure the delivery of quality products to meet customer satisfaction.

  • Office Safety
  • Safety
employees working on office safety with the help of an infographic

Office Safety Infographic

Learn about office safety through an infographic: top 4 most overlooked hazards, 5 effective improvement actions, and compelling reasons why improving office safety is good for businesses.

  • Quality
  • Quality Management

Genchi Genbutsu

Learn about Genchi Genbutsu, advantages, tips, example in lean manufacturing, and technology to apply it in your organization.

    Australian National Vaccine Storage Guidelines

    Learn how to mitigate temperature control breaches that reduce vaccine potency by understanding the Australian National Vaccine Storage Guidelines.