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Professional Services

Explore a wide range of customizable Professional Services templates and resources tailored for process management, HR practices, and more. Find solutions to optimize your Professional Services practices and meet industry standards.

264 results
  • Policies and Procedures Template for Small Business
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    Policies and Procedures Template for Small Business

    Small business owners can use this policies and procedures template to write policies and procedures as they are needed by their business. Another feature of this template is that there are separate line items for steps in procedures and small business owners can add as many procedures as they need for a single policy.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 79
  • Housekeeping Duties Checklist
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    Housekeeping Duties Checklist

    Use this housekeeping duties checklist to ensure that daily housekeeping duties are completed for the day in hospitality.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 78
  • Lab Incident Report Template
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    Lab Incident Report Template

    Use this template to report any incidents in the lab including spills, leaks, cuts and any other injuries or property damage

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 75
  • Community Needs Assessment
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    Community Needs Assessment

    This community needs assessment template is based on CDC's workbook. This template can help with the planning process of the community needs assessment.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 75
  • Real Estate Listing Checklist
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    Real Estate Listing Checklist

    Used by listing agents when a property is about to be advertised for sale, this real estate listing checklist can help guide seller's agents with what tasks to accomplish to make sure that enough information is gathered about the real estate for pre-listing, listing, marketing, and closing.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 74
  • Focus Group Survey Demographic Template
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    Focus Group Survey Demographic Template

    This checklist can be used by research teams when finding the right respondents for the focus group.(E.g. reaching out to people outside a grocery stores). Record demographic data such as gender, age group, nationality, marital status, educational attainment and employment status. You can modify the items based from the goals that you want to achieve. These data can also be useful for statistics and case studies. Use SafetyCulture to conduct more efficient demographic surveys by using your iPad, tablet or mobile device.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 74
  • Change Request Template
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    Change Request Template

    A change request template is used as a formal authorization to make changes to the original scope of work. You can customize this template accordingly to your business needs.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 72
  • Employee Timesheet Template
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    Employee Timesheet Template

    Businesses can use this template as a regular employee timesheet. This template can either be downloaded as PDF and manually filled out, or used directly in SafetyCulture. Furthermore, using this template allows you to: indicate essential header items such as employee name, ID number, project name, and date range and add a brief description of the project or task. Specify work date, start and end time, and total number of hours, summarize other essential items including total number of work hours for the period and complete the timesheet by digitally signing the template.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 71
  • NPS - Customer Satisfaction Survey for Products
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    NPS - Customer Satisfaction Survey for Products

    This checklist contains slider fields to let the customers rate a product, service or company. The rating system can be scaled from a zero satisfactory rate to an exceptional or excellent customer satisfaction. It also covers customer information gathering for possible research and study purposes.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 71
  • Manager Self-Evaluation Checklist
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    Manager Self-Evaluation Checklist

    A manager self-evaluation is one of the best methods to assess the leadership performance and management style of managers in handling people and teams. Share this checklist to the management team and let them answer whether they agree to the following statements or not. Ensure to complete the audit by affixing digital signatures.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 68
  • Product Development Checklist
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    Product Development Checklist

    This is a general-use checklist that will take you through the process of developing a product. This encourages you to think deeply about your product, its purpose, and the goal you want it to achieve.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 67
  • Needs Assessment Training Survey
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    Needs Assessment Training Survey

    This needs assessment training survey is a questionnaire designed to help the organization deliver the best training to meet project needs. Use this training survey to determine training priorities.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 67
  • Swimming Pool Incident Report Template
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    Swimming Pool Incident Report Template

    A swimming pool incident report template is used to record incidents such as injuries, vomit, fecal, blood contamination, near-drowning, drowning, or others. Use this template to record specific details of the incident and help the establishment improve safety and security measures.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 63
  • Employee Satisfaction Survey
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    Employee Satisfaction Survey

    This form can be used by employers, team leaders, and HR professionals to conduct employee satisfaction surveys amongst their staff. Add questions and notes as necessary, and empower employees to create actions to address problems they might have with their work experience.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 61
  • Laboratory Radiation Safety Checklist
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    Laboratory Radiation Safety Checklist

    Use this template to ensure safety when working with radioactive devices in the laboratory. Begin by detailing the building and room information and the radionuclides used for the activity. Check if the storage rooms and waste containers are adequate as well as the disposal practices for radioactive materials. Evaluate if laboratory safety measures are followed including personnel protection and monitoring for all workers. Lastly, training and survey records must be updated to ensure that all workers are competent and permitted to work during risky conditions.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 61
  • Smog Checklist
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    Smog Checklist

    This smog checklist is used by smog technicians to record the measured vehicle emissions and indicate if they are within acceptable levels according to regulations. Indicate measured Hydrocarbons (HC), Carbon Monoxide (CO), and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) to see if the vehicle passed or failed the smog check.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 60
  • Code of Conduct Policies and Procedures Template
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    Code of Conduct Policies and Procedures Template

    This policies and procedures template for the employee code of conduct contains separate pages for: General Code of Conduct, Non-Smoking Policy, and Drugs and Alcohol Policy. Each page has instructions for the specific code of conduct policy to help guide you as you write your policies and procedures.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 58
  • Real Estate Listing Form
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    Real Estate Listing Form

    This form will help you organize your listings

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 58
  • Non - Disclosure Agreement
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    Non - Disclosure Agreement

    This Non-Disclosure Agreement is a sample provided for your information only and may not be relied upon as legal advice.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 57
  • Basic Decision Matrix Template
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    Basic Decision Matrix Template

    This decision matrix template works best for simplified decision-making procedures. Rate each option on a scale of 1-5 and calculate the results to reach a final decision. You can also personalize the template's scoring system based on your business needs. Empower your team members to share their input on crucial decisions through this decision matrix template.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 57
  • Six Thinking Hats Template
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    Six Thinking Hats Template

    This free six thinking hats template can help individuals, teams, and organizations arrive at better decisions by effectively using the six thinking hats technique in their brainstorming, decision-making, and planning sessions. Through the help of this downloadable template, maximize the benefits of the six thinking hats technique toward conflict-free, holistic discussions.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 55
  • Video Display Unit (VDU) Workstation Assessment Form Template
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    Video Display Unit (VDU) Workstation Assessment Form Template

    The video display unit (VDU) workstation assessment checklist can help safety representatives and individual workers carry out inspections where there are visual display units (VDU), such as computer screens (also referred to as DSE). This template is based on the Health and Safety Executive Northern Island's (HSENI) DSE Workstation Assessment Checklist.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 55
  • Exception Report Template
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    Exception Report Template

    Project managers and supervisors can use this exception report template in order to document instances of work deviation, including the relevant factors and reasons why deviation was necessary. This exception report template includes fields for: 1. Planned start date and actual start date, and original versus adjusted due date. 2. Estimated current completion (percentage). 3. Details regarding current progress. 4. Information regarding the factors and reasons that necessitated work deviation. 5. Full name and signature of the project manager or responsible personnel

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 52
  • Property Inspection Report Form
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    Property Inspection Report Form

    Use this form to record the condition of the property after inspections

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 52