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Health Care

Explore a wide range of customizable Health Care templates and resources tailored to WHO guidelines, infection control, first aid, and more. Find solutions to optimize your Health Services practices and meet industry standards.

84 results
  • COVID-19 Risk Assessment Template
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    COVID-19 Risk Assessment Template

    Inspired by the CDC's guidance for the identification and management of potentially exposed contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19, use this risk assessment template to help determine steps to contain the spread of COVID-19.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 3,871
  • ISO 13485 Audit Checklist
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    ISO 13485 Audit Checklist

    An ISO 13485 audit checklist is utilized by quality managers to determine if the organization's QMS is aligned with the ISO 13485:2016 standard. It helps evaluate an organization's readiness for a third-party ISO 13485:2016 certification audit.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 3,219
  • COVID-19: Screening Checklist for Visitors and Employees
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    COVID-19: Screening Checklist for Visitors and Employees

    Healthcare providers and assisted living providers can use this COVID-19 screening checklist to help ensure the safety of their institutions and control the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Please note that this screening checklist provides basic information only. It is not intended to take the place of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 3,130
  • Emergency Action Plan Template
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    Emergency Action Plan Template

    An emergency action plan template is used by designated responsible officials or emergency coordinators to develop procedures for workplace emergencies and test its effectiveness during emergency drills. Use this template to automatically generate and share your EAP with emergency personnel names and phone numbers, emergency phone numbers, utility company emergency contacts, emergency reporting and evacuation procedures, and training.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 2,813
  • General Infection Control Audit Checklist
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    General Infection Control Audit Checklist

    Use this infection control audit template to ensure the completion of baseline control measures against healthcare-associated infections.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 2,237
  • Social Distancing Plan Template for Workplaces
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    Social Distancing Plan Template for Workplaces

    This social distancing plan template can serve as a pandemic planning tool for businesses/employers to help in implementing strict social distancing measures in workplaces, especially those that are categorized as essential businesses.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 2,047
  • Hand Hygiene Audit Checklist
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    Hand Hygiene Audit Checklist

    Use this hand hygiene audit checklist to assess hand hygiene practices based on WHO's Five Moments and automatically measure the overall compliance score of unlimited hand hygiene observations.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,961
  • Pharmaceutical GMP Audit Checklist
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    Pharmaceutical GMP Audit Checklist

    This drug manufacturer audit checklist can be used to perform systematic audits of a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility and measure compliance with GMP guidelines.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,543
  • SOAP Note Template
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    SOAP Note Template

    This SOAP Note template is a documentation format used by physicians and other health care professionals to assess patient conditions. Use this template for creating concise patient documentation to develop accurate solutions.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,479
  • ISO 13485:2016 Standard Checklist
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    ISO 13485:2016 Standard Checklist

    An ISO 13485:2016 standard checklist can help quality managers find gaps in the organization's current processes. This digital checklist is divided into 5 sections following ISO 13485:2016's key clauses. This converted digital checklist allows you to select "Done", "In Progress", "Not Started," and, for sections 6, 7, & 8, "Not Applicable".

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,165
  • Nursing Audit Checklist
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    Nursing Audit Checklist

    Nursing audit is the process of determining the quality of nursing care by reviewing clinical records made by healthcare professionals. It helps ensure consistent quality patient care and uncover areas for improvement. Use this nursing audit checklist to confirm compliance with proper nursing documentation and check patient care provided to patients (currently in admission or discharged).

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,143
  • Clinical Audit Checklist
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    Clinical Audit Checklist

    Use this mobile-ready clinical audit checklist to easily identify clinical audit lead, committee members, and stakeholders, assess preparation and planning, standards/criteria selection, performance gauging, change implementation, and improvements maintenance, document the clinical audit with photos and additional notes, send real-time notifications of to-do tasks or corrective actions, and complete the clinical audit report with digital signatures.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 854
  • CQC Inspection Checklist
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    CQC Inspection Checklist

    Use this 165-item CQC inspection checklist to easily determine if care is safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led, take/attach photos of non-compliance to Health and Social Care Regulations, assign corrective actions in real-time to implement improvements, complete the CQC inspection checklist with a digital signature, and automatically generate and share CQC inspection checklist reports.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 825
  • First Aid Kit Checklist : Class-B
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    First Aid Kit Checklist : Class-B

    Class B first aid kits are for a broader range of injuries and deal with more complex or high-risk environments. Check the contents of your first aid kits if they are within their use-by dates. Also, inspect medical tools for damages and defects. Use SafetyCulture's powerful scheduling feature to make sure you never miss out the next first aid kit check.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 787
  • Mental Health Risk Assessment Form
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    Mental Health Risk Assessment Form

    This form can assist a health care professional in performing a mental health risk assessment.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 710
  • MDSAP Audit Checklist (FDA)
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    MDSAP Audit Checklist (FDA)

    Use this MDSAP audit checklist to assess how aligned is the company's QMS with that of MDSAP. This digitized MDSAP template is based on the US FDA's MDSAP QMS Internal Assessment Checklist.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 689
  • Patient Satisfaction Survey Template
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    Patient Satisfaction Survey Template

    This patient satisfaction survey template can help medical professionals quickly determine the level of patient satisfaction on the medical care provided. Conduct this survey via kiosks or mobile devices administered by staff.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 671
  • HAVS Assessment Template
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    HAVS Assessment Template

    Regular HAVS assessments help prevent the development of HAVS among construction workers. Use this HAVS assessment template to evaluate and control hand-arm vibration risks in a construction site.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 622
  • Hand Hygiene Compliance Checklist
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    Hand Hygiene Compliance Checklist

    Use this hand hygiene compliance checklist to internally evaluate the hand hygiene techniques of healthcare workers. This checklist can be used to easily monitor performance quality and provide feedback with photo evidence.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 600
  • AED Monthly Checklist
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    AED Monthly Checklist

    Use this AED checklist to do the following: 1. Verify AED operation by observing the status indicator after opening and closing. 2. Check if electrode pads are in the AED container, not expired, and have an extra set. 3. Log electrode pads expiration date and AED battery installation date for future checks. 4. Replace expired AED battery and electrode pads. 5. Inspect the PPE/ready kit (mask, scissors, razor, and gloves). 6. Test AED container tamper alarm.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 599
  • Hand Hygiene - 5 Moments Observation - Infection Control
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    Hand Hygiene - 5 Moments Observation - Infection Control

    The Hand Hygiene - 5 Moments Observation Checklist focuses on promoting infection control by assessing hand hygiene practices in healthcare settings. It guides staff in performing hand hygiene at critical moments during patient interactions to reduce the risk of infection and ensure compliance with health standards.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 549
  • First Aid Kit Checklist : Class-A
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    First Aid Kit Checklist : Class-A

    Class A first aid kits cover aids for common injuries like minor cuts, abrasions, and sprains. Begin by selecting the type of first aid kit to inspect. List down the number of employees, description of work and take a photo of your kit. Next, carefully check sufficiency and expiration dates of the contents. Then, capture photos of defective items and expired solutions. Use SafetyCulture's powerful analytics feature to view a historical log of all inspections performed for your first aid kits.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 485
  • HIPAA Compliance Checklist
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    HIPAA Compliance Checklist

    Use this digitized checklist to determine how compliant is your institution with HIPAA provisions. Information Security Officers can use this as a guide to check the following: Administrative Safeguards currently in place, Physical Safeguards implemented, Technical Safeguards being used.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 469
  • CQC Compliance Checklist
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    CQC Compliance Checklist

    This CQC compliance checklist is built according to the Provider Compliance Assessment by the Care Quality Commission. Use this checklist to easily determine the compliance of a health or social care service to fundamental CQC standards such as Outcome 2 (Regulation 18): Consent to Care and Treatment, Outcome 12 (Regulation 21): Requirements Relating to Workers, and 14 other outcomes.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 418