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Health & Safety

Explore a wide range of customizable Health and Safety templates and resources tailored for site and task safety, incident reporting, and more. Find solutions to optimize your Health and Safety practices and meet high-quality standards.

61 results
  • Incident Report Template
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    Incident Report Template

    Download and use this free general incident report template to capture photo evidence of the incident and injury, capture signatures of the parties involved. You may wish to modify this template so it is more appropriate for your site or workplace needs.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 9,742
  • Workplace Health and Safety Audit Checklist
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    Workplace Health and Safety Audit Checklist

    This Workplace Health and Safety Audit Checklist can be used to perform the internal and external audit of an office or any working environment. Do a site walkthrough and determine if the temperature is too hot or too cold. Check the ventilation and lighting systems. Observe if proper housekeeping practices are applied. Evaluate storage and shelving areas to see if materials are stacked properly. All electrical equipment must be free from damages to prevent electrocution or the occurrence of fire. Also assess COSHH and fire precaution measures are if they're in place. Lastly, outside areas should be clean and free from obstructions. Use SafetyCulture to document all significant data by capturing photo of the workplace, taking note of hazards identified, and assigning actions to authorized persons for immediate resolution.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 4,212
  • Safety Data Sheet Template
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    Safety Data Sheet Template

    A safety data sheet template is used to inform workers of the properties, hazards, and safe use of chemicals in an occupational setting. Chemical manufacturers can use this template to write and update safety data sheets, and workers can use it as a safety guide when handling hazardous chemicals.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 3,481
  • PPE Checklist
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    PPE Checklist

    This PPE Checklist can be used by managers and safety officials to identify sources of hazard and select the appropriate equipment. Start by recording nature of work and potential hazards that may be in contact with body parts. The template then prompts the inspector to describe the hazard,state the required PPE and check the condition of the PPE by capturing photo evidence. Lastly, it summarizes the inspection by providing recommendations.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 2,662
  • Near Miss Report Form
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    Near Miss Report Form

    A near miss is an unplanned event that threatens human safety or health, the environment, or the continued normal operation of the business enterprise, wherein the last protective barrier is challenged, but defeated. Use this near miss form to report a near miss incident.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 2,425
  • OSHA Job Hazard Analysis Form
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    OSHA Job Hazard Analysis Form

    This generic template was This OSHA JHA Form was converted using SafetyCulture and can be used as safety planning guide or log. List the work processes being performed. Identify hazards associated with the task and elaborate the consequences or negative results if these risks are not dealt with. Next state preventive measures and controls to reduce, control or eliminate the hazards. Write a rationale to substantiate better action plans to be taken. Use SafetyCulture to compile JSA logs for better safety planning purposes.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,703
  • Job Safety Analysis
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    Job Safety Analysis

    This generic job safety analysis can be used by a supervisor or safety official to analyze hazards and bring solutions for safer workplaces. Begin by filling out information about the job and employee participating in the inspection. The template then prompts the inspector to add steps, identify and capture hazards, and provide preventive measures. Lastly, it sums up the inspection by determining the kind of risk analyzed and asks for recommendations.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,640
  • General Health and Safety Risk Assessment
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    General Health and Safety Risk Assessment

    This General Health and Safety Risk Assessment template can be used by managers and safety officials when managing health and safety hazards at work. Spot potential and existing hazards such as biological, chemical, energy, environmental, and the like. Evaluate each hazard's risk level and provide preventive control measures. Monitor and review planned control measures and advise if further measures are required. Lastly, provide overall recommendations to avoid and manage risk hazards. Use SafetyCulture to capture photos of frequently ignored and undetected hazards and assign actions to notify your managers of immediate risks.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,548
  • Lockout Tagout Checklist
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    Lockout Tagout Checklist

    Use this checklist before servicing industrial equipment. Record the nature of work, hazardous energy sources and the employees involved in the procedure. Do a site walkthrough to ensure that the area is cleared from unnecessary tools and check if employees are trained and notified about the procedure. Next check the quality and efficiency of LOTO devices being used. Evaluate if the step-by-step procedure was followed when applying and removing LOTO devices. Lastly, rate the overall LOTO process and provide recommendations.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,205
  • HSE Risk Assessment
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    HSE Risk Assessment

    Use this template to document a risk assessment to manage health and safety hazards in your workplace. Identify observed potential and existing hazards (e.g biological, chemical, energy, environment, etc.), assess the risk level (consequence, likelihood and risk ratings) and provide necessary control measures. Monitor and review planned control measures and advise if further measures are required. Lastly, provide overall recommendations to avoid and manage risk hazards.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,087
  • Site Hazard Report
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    Site Hazard Report

    Perform this inspection when observing and recording site hazards. Assign corrective actions immediately while conducting your inspection

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,076
  • General Workplace Health and Safety Checklist
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    General Workplace Health and Safety Checklist

    Use this general workplace health and safety checklist to have a quick run through with the overall condition of the workplace. It is an easy read-confirm checklist which includes inspection of communication processes, risk management, manual tasks, hazardous substances handling, infection control systems, rehabilitation and stress hazards. Use SafetyCulture to conduct quick checks of your workplace.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 1,017
  • OSHA PPE Self-Inspection Checklist
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    OSHA PPE Self-Inspection Checklist

    This OSHA PPE Checklist contains 17 general inspection items to determine the need of PPE in protecting the workers, as well as equipment checks and evaluation of the compliance to safety rules when utilizing equipment.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 922
  • PSSR Checklist
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    PSSR Checklist

    A pre-startup safety review (PSSR) checklist is a tool used by a PSSR team during a safety review of a new or modified manufacturing facility before commissioning. This checklist helps ensure that a facility will be safe for employees and that equipment will operate according to design specifications.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 831
  • Comprehensive OSHA Hazard Assessment Checklist
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    Comprehensive OSHA Hazard Assessment Checklist

    This template is based on the regulatory hazard assessment of OSHA converted using SafetyCulture. It contains 43 sections covering a wide range of hazard identification procedures in the workplace. Modify this template and delete sections which may not be relevant or suited to your workplace's needs. Use SafetyCulture to convert your paper checklists into digital mobile templates.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 795
  • OSHA Emergency Action Plan Template
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    OSHA Emergency Action Plan Template

    The OSHA Emergency Action Plan template is used as a self-assessment tool for organizations to evaluate their emergency action plan and improve it accordingly. This template covers general issues, evacuation policy and procedures, reporting emergencies and alerting employees in an emergency, and employee training and drills. Assign an action with a priority level and due date for every item marked with no or not sure to instantly apply corrections.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 723
  • Health and Safety Induction Checklist
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    Health and Safety Induction Checklist

    This health and safety induction checklist can be used as as part of a HR program when onboarding new employees.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 642
  • Near Miss Report
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    Near Miss Report

    Employees can use this form to report all work related injuries, illnesses or near miss events no matter how minor. This template should be completed by employees and reviewed by a supervisor as soon possible after an incident occurs.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 634
  • HSE Manual Handling Risk Assessment
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    HSE Manual Handling Risk Assessment

    This HSE risk assessment aims to identify hazards when doing manual handling or lifting heavy loads that may cause various musculoskeletal injuries to a worker. Describe the task to be performed, where it is located, load weight and distance, and the personnel involved in the activity. Evaluate the risks while carrying or lifting loads and materials, list down remedial actions and assign authorized people for implementation and review. Use SafetyCulture to capture photo hazards and annotate them to highlight the problems and issues.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 631
  • OHSAS 18001 Audit Checklist
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    OHSAS 18001 Audit Checklist

    An OHSAS 18001 audit checklist is a tool used by safety officers and top management to confirm if the organization's OH&S management system complies with the OHSAS 18001 standard. Use this checklist to assess your organization's readiness for third-party certification.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 608
  • OSHA First Aid Kit Checklist
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    OSHA First Aid Kit Checklist

    Regular first aid kits inspection should be done to guarantee that there is an adequate supply of first aid contents when an accident occurs. This OSHA first aid kit checklist converted to SafetyCulture used to inspect if companies comply with OSHA's standard regulation for first aid kit contents. Use SafetyCulture to document additional first aid supplies needed and generate real-time reports while on site.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 561
  • OSHA Lockout Tagout Checklist
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    OSHA Lockout Tagout Checklist

    The OSHA Lockout Tagout Checklist helps ensure compliance with safety procedures by guiding the safe de-energization and re-energization of machinery during maintenance. It covers key steps like verifying equipment isolation, locking out power sources, and ensuring proper tagging to prevent accidents.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 539
  • Confined Space Permit To Work Template
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    Confined Space Permit To Work Template

    Working in confined spaces poses numerous hazards to workers and entrants such as asphyxiation or loss of oxygen which leads to suffocation. Commencement of work must not begin until the appropriate level of authority has endorsed the Permit to Work. This template can be used record the mode of communication and rescue procedures to determine the team's preparedness during emergencies. Next conduct a pre-work check to assess if safety equipment and measures are in place to prevent accidents and injuries. Capture photo evidence of equipment defects or non compliances to confined space protocols. List all people involved in the work being performed.

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 478
  • General Industry Self-Inspection Checklist - Texas Department of Insurance
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    General Industry Self-Inspection Checklist - Texas Department of Insurance

    This safety audit checklist can be used by to perform self-inspections for general industry. Based on checklist by Texas Department of Insurance. Original Checklist here:

    by SafetyCulture
    Downloads: 471