Explore a wide range of customizable Education templates and resources tailored for learning development, training programs, and more. Find solutions to optimize your Education practices and meet industry standards.
- Templateby SafetyCulture
Teacher Observation Checklist
This teacher observation checklist is used to evaluate the overall performance and teaching strategy of the educator to ensure a better learning experience for the students.
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General Teacher Evaluation Form
This General Teacher Evaluation Form can be used to assess the teaching strategy used to keep the students engaged in learning session. This template contains both ongoing class observation and after class self-evaluation. Use the template to assess if the teacher is promoting a conducive learning environment from the onset of the lesson up to the recap. Next, conduct a short self-evaluation by using the guide questions and ask the teacher about his or her class. Lastly, share your best practices by coaching the teacher and provide some recommendations to improve the educator's teaching strategy.
Downloads: 1,544Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
School Risk Assessment Template
A school risk assessment template is used to identify hazards in the school environment and their associated risks. It is used by the school management team to assess existing control measures if further actions are needed to eliminate the hazard. Use the following points below to utilize this form: 1. Identify any hazards present within school premises 2. List down affected people (e.g. students, teachers, administrators, and other staff ) 3. Evaluate how these people might be harmed 4. Determine the existing procedures and evaluate if it follows safe working practices 5. Assess whether the existing controls are enough or recommend further action needs 6. Assign action needs to appropriate personnel 7. Sign off with a digital signature and timestamp to validate the assessment
Downloads: 1,334Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Student Observation Checklist
This checklist is used by teachers to conduct an individual assessment of the student's behavior and interaction inside the class.
Downloads: 961Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Classroom Observation Checklist
A classroom observation checklist is conducted by an assigned admin to assess the interaction between teachers and students and the classroom environment to ensure a nurturing and conducive learning environment for the students.
Downloads: 889Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
School Cleaning Checklist
This School Cleaning Checklist serves as a guide to inspect if different school areas like offices, hallways, classrooms, and bathrooms are properly cleaned and maintained. This checklist can be used to evaluate if desks, chairs, and all visible surfaces are dusted and clean. Use SafetyCulture to capture photo evidence of dirty fixtures and facilities and assign corrective actions to the right person.
Downloads: 847Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Lab Safety Inspection
Use this general lab safety inspection checklist to conduct regular self-inspections of your areas. You may customize this template to suit your lab and relevant safety requirements.
Downloads: 714Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Child Observation Report
This Child Observation Report template can be used to record the educator's observations on the child's behavior, interactions, and learnings in the daycare. Take pictures using SafetyCulture on your mobile as supporting documentation and help identify the social, emotional, communication, cognition, or physical learnings of the child. Conveniently send your observation reports that can include multiple photos to parents via PDF or a weblink that they can click anytime anywhere on their mobile, iPad, tablet, or computer.
Downloads: 484Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Teacher Evaluation Form (Class On-going) - Danielson Framework
This checklist can be used when conducting an ongoing class observation based on the 3 domains of Danielson's framework: planning and preparation, classroom environment, and instruction. In Domain 1:Planning and Preparation, evaluate what instructional materials and supplemental student resources were used. Next, explain the classroom procedures - transitions, behavior, and non-instructional duties done both by the teacher and the students. Lastly, evaluate how the teacher provided and communicated the instructions and engaged the students into the learning process.
Downloads: 453Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Workshop Inspection Checklist - University of Greenwich
Use this checklist to inspect engineering workshops used for research, teaching or maintenance, and any associated storage areas. Include associated corridors, stairs and communal areas such as toilets and kitchenettes/tea rooms. Inspections should be carried out at least twice per year and preferably once per term. Inspections should be done when workshops are occupied by staff and students, to get a true picture of conditions and practices.
Downloads: 447Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
School Bus Pre-trip Inspection Checklist
A school bus pre-trip inspection checklist is used to thoroughly inspect school buses before its services. It helps bus drivers or bus fleet supervisors to catch mechanical issues, defects, and damages.
Downloads: 423Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Classroom Risk Assessment Template
Classroom Risk Assessment Template is used to ensure classrooms meet minimum health and safety requirements. It is used by the management team to raise awareness of areas of improvement and control measures needed in the classroom. Follow the points below to utilize this form: 1. Evaluate the classroom facilities and look for defects and damages 2. Capture photo evidence and describe the damages 3. Provide overall assessment, modifications, and estimated damage cost 4. Sign-off with a digital signature to validate the inspection
Downloads: 351Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Student Evaluation of Teacher Template
This Student Evaluation of Teacher Template can be used to help learning institutions gather feedback for teachers from students. Students can select from the responses - Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree - and complete the evaluation by providing some comments. Use SafetyCulture's Analytics to observe trends in responses and better assess the educator's interaction with the students.
Downloads: 322Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Teacher Evaluation Form (Observation Notes)
This is a basic do-confirm checklist with yes, na or N/A response. Evaluate if the teacher established a good environment of respect, rapport, and learning. Check how the teacher manages classroom procedures, transitions, and student behavior. With SafetyCulture's paperclip icon, you can note your observations, recommendations, and suggestions, and capture photos with your mobile device for additional evidence.
Downloads: 271Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
School Security Assessment Checklist
This school security assessment template can be used by administrators as a proactive measure for assessing strengths and weaknesses in their campus facilities and develop strong security measures to address loopholes. This tool can also be customized according to different district requirements.
Downloads: 217Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Infant Daily Report Form
An infant daily report form is used by daycare staff to keep track of meals, diaper changes, bottle feeding, and sleeping patterns. Using an infant daily report can help parents gain insight into their children's behavior during their time at the daycare.
Downloads: 207Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Teacher Evaluation Form
This teacher evaluation form can be used to assess teachers' teaching practices using responses "Strongly Agree, Agree, Uncertain, Disagree, Strongly Disagree." This checklist covers essential questions to measure the teacher's enthusiasm, preparedness, and effectiveness in delivering the subject matter. Use SafetyCulture on mobile devices or tablets to conduct observations and record the teacher's strengths and weaknesses.
Downloads: 172Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Laboratory School Risk Assessment Template
Laboratory School Risk Assessment Template is used to identify potential hazards when conducting laboratory experiments. It is used by teachers and laboratory technician to evaluate the risk level and provide control measures to mitigate the risk. Use the following points below to utilize this form: 1. Do a walkthrough and identify any hazards present 2. List down equipment and chemicals used 3. Identify potential hazards and standard handling procedures 4. Record the risk rating and control measures 5. Provide recommendations 6. Capture digital signature with timestamp
Downloads: 142Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
School Fire Safety Checklist
All schools must ensure that fire precautions are complied with to prevent injuries and accidents. School Fire Safety Checklist can be used by administrators and safety officials to check school facilities, fire protection systems, and electrical equipment. Capture photos and assign immediate actions to appropriate departments to address faulty electrical devices, inadequate fire protection systems, and non-compliances to safety fire procedures.
Downloads: 129Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
COVID-19 Symptoms Checklist
The COVID-19 Symptoms Checklist by SafetyCulture helps monitor for signs of COVID-19, advising individuals to stay home if they experience symptoms like fever, cough, or shortness of breath. It includes questions to identify potential COVID-19 exposure and symptoms for students, staff, and families, aiding in health assessments before attending schools or workplaces.
Downloads: 118Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Daily Childcare Safety Checklist
Use this childcare safety checklist to ensure that the school is safe by conducting checks before students arrive at the beginning of each day.
Downloads: 114Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Fire Marshal Inspection Checklist for Schools
Use this fire marshal inspection checklist to conduct internal checks of schools for fire risks. Inspect the exterior, fire protection equipment, exits, classrooms, special-use rooms, hallways and lobbies, assembly areas (gym, cafeteria, etc), custodial, boiler room, and other points of focus. For this digitized checklist, any item with a "No" answer may need to be corrected before the fire marshal inspection. Take photos of issues found and assign corrective actions.
Downloads: 86Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Preschool Assessment Checklist
You can use this Preschool Assessment Checklist to evaluate the child's learning development. This template can help assess the child's approach to learning and observe the child's social and emotional development. The teacher can take photos using a mobile device and easily attach images to this SafetyCulture template. Use SafetyCulture to generate reports that include photos to show how the child participated in daycare activities.
Downloads: 81Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Daycare Daily Report Form
This daycare daily report form is a general daily sheet used to record children's overall behavior in the facility. Use this template form to take note of a child's eating habits and attitude towards learning activities. Take photos to make your report more comprehensive. Conducting daily reports can help assure parents that their child is well-monitored and taken care of.
Downloads: 77Get