Discover easy-to-use Construction templates and training courses for earthworks, working at heights, risk assessment, and more. Use them to gain practical knowledge, streamline your work, and stay on top of industry best practices. Customize these resources to fit your needs and excel in the Construction industry with confidence.
- Templateby SafetyCulture
Near Miss Notification Form
Fill out this form to report a Near Miss. Once complete be sure to hit the COMPLETE button and email the form to your direct manager or the Health & Safety Manager.
Downloads: 286Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Pre-Task: Confined Space Checklist (Entry Briefing)
This confined space checklist is a pre-start safety check for permit required confined space works in construction.
Downloads: 285Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
OSHA Toolbox Talk: Scaffolding
Scaffolds are temporary structures used to support employees when working at heights. Use OSHA toolbox talk: scaffolding template to remind employees of general requirements on safety precautions to avoid scaffolding hazards like unstable bases, inadequate footings and cross bracing, unsafe access, and defective platforms. Use SafetyCulture to take photo evidence of damaged scaffolding and assign corrective action while generating reports on the spot.
Downloads: 280Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Pipeline Inspection Checklist
A pipeline inspection checklist is used by pipeline engineers to verify the integrity of a pipeline system and prevent costly shutdowns. Use this checklist to inspect the pipeline's design, installation, operation, maintenance, and corrosion control procedures, coating and cathodic protection, test stations, remedial measures, and monitoring.
Downloads: 279Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Welding Risk Assessment
Use this welding risk assessment to identify the hazard associated with welding activities before commencing work. Record risk rating based on the hazards and assess control measures to be used and implemented for safety purposes. Use SafetyCulture to capture photos of the hazard and generate efficient reports on site.
Downloads: 278Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Borehole Log Template
A borehole log template is used by engineers to record every borehole sample taken from the site. The samples are taken into a laboratory for further testing and the detailed results will be included on the geotechnical report.
Downloads: 273Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
SWPPP Inspection Form
An SWPPP inspection form is used by stormwater inspectors to verify if the stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) is being implemented and ensure that best management practices (BMPs) are properly installed in the construction site. Use this checklist to document SWPPP compliance and assign corrective actions for required maintenance of BMPs, any incidents of noncompliance, etc.
Downloads: 270Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Cold Work Permit
Cold work or plastic deformation of metals can cause extreme physical injury caused by over pressing and rolling. Other factors like electrical and mechanical hazards, like the use of hand and power tools, add up to the overall risk which workers may encounter during operation. This template covers potential hazards which need to be checked in the work area. Also select appropriate protective equipment to be used by workers. Use SafetyCulture to customize this template based on your business needs and requirements.
Downloads: 270Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Plant Commissioning Checklist
This plant commissioning checklist is used for the commissioning of wastewater projects or treatment plants. This checklist has been designed to make it easier for inspectors to verify the installation, function, and documentation of pumping systems and the preliminary, secondary, and tertiary treatment process equipment.
Downloads: 267Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Air Compressor Safety Inspection Template
An air compressor safety inspection template is used for periodic checks of compressors to ensure their continued safe operation.
Downloads: 261Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Asbestos Inspection Checklist
Use this digitized asbestos inspection checklist to identify the presence of asbestos in the workplace. Check for safe employee practices with handling asbestos and compliance with OSHA.
Downloads: 258Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
CDM Checklist (Designers)
This CDM checklist is used by designers to evaluate the hazards associated with construction design, plan, and site.
Downloads: 257Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Contractor OHS Induction Checklist
Contractor OHS induction checklist converted to SafetyCulture - use to evaluate if general induction was performed and all necessary information from the contractor was provided before commencing work. Check items like Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) if properly disseminated to all employees.
Downloads: 244Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Pre-use Hoist Inspection Checklist
This pre-use hoist inspection checklist can be used by hoist operators, safety officers, and designated maintenance personnel to assess a hoist's working condition prior to use.
Downloads: 239Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Delays - Construction Daily Report Template
This construction daily report template focuses on identifying the causes of delay. Confirm if a delay is caused by contractors or other reasons and name who you have spoken with to address the delay. Identify accidents or pilferage on-site. Enter the project's phase and other observations. Feel free to edit SafetyCulture templates to suit your project's needs.
Downloads: 239Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Inspection and Test Plan Template
An inspection and test plan template outlines the program of inspections and tests to ensure quality. Use this template to effectively manage the quality control and assurance of the specific construction work.
Downloads: 233Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Hazard Assessment Checklist for Construction Industry
The construction industry accounts numerous fatalities caused by the "Fatal Four": falls, struck by object, electrocution, and caught between objects. These hazards were responsible for more than half of construction workers' deaths. Use this template before commencing work on a construction project. Determine the hazards that may arise from the work activity to be performed. Use SafetyCulture to record significant data of detected risks like presence of electrical tools, an ongoing excavation activity, use of scaffolds and ladders, and handling of deadly substances and materials.
Downloads: 232Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
OSHA Toolbox Talk: Chemical Safety
Overexposure to chemical substances may cause acute or chronic health damages. Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before commencing work and minimize your exposure to chemical substances. Use this OSHA toolbox talk: chemical safety to discuss the pictogram labels that alert users of the chemical hazards. This will ensure the safety of all employees when handling, storing, and disposing chemicals.
Downloads: 231Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
OSHA Toolbox Talk: Excavation Safety
Excavation is one of the most dangerous operation in the construction industry. Common hazards like cave-ins, falling loads, and hazardous atmospheres can be prevented by conducting toolbox talk. Use OSHA toolbox talk: excavation safety to communicate preventive measures to protect workers from injuries and fatalities.
Downloads: 221Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Engineering Job Sheet Template
Document key tasks performed onsite using this engineering job sheet template. Record description of fault and works carried out, provide other details such as completion of risk assessment, car park, expenses, etc., and capture photo evidence. Indicate if the job was completed and the number of hours rendered to perform the on-site task.
Downloads: 219Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Waterproofing Inspection Checklist
A waterproofing inspection checklist is used to guide assigned workers or supervisor in assessing waterproofing installs. This checklist ensures that waterproofing work complies with the required records and documentation, and standard for materials, substrate preparation, waterproofing membrane application, water test, and more.
Downloads: 217Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Hazard Identification Form - WorkSafe NZ
Use this form to record hazards.
Downloads: 208Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Punch List Template
Using this punch list template, contractors can send finalized punch lists to architects as PDF reports or share web links of digital versions of reports. Contractors can also add and describe punch list items in full detail. For each punch list item added, contractors can do the following: 1) Specify its location, trade, and type, 2) Capture and attach photos, 3) Set its priority level and due date, 4) Assign an action to the person responsible, and 5) Update its status as the item is completed.
Downloads: 208Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Take 5 Group Safety Checklist
Use this digital take 5 safety for a group of attendees. Ask the group all questions before starting work. Have everyone provide their digital signature including supervisor in charge.
Downloads: 205Get