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Use this harness inspection checklist to check the condition of your harness and lanyards. Take photos of any defects and report any damage immediately.Use this harness inspection checklist to check the condition of your harness and lanyards. Take photos of any defects and report any damage immediately.
Free 1,000+ Workplace Checklists & Templates created by the SafetyCulture team.
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Safety Harness Inspection
Use this template to ensure that your harness is in good condition before use to reduce the risk of falling. Begin with providing a description about safety harness usage then attach a photo of it. Carefully inspect each part of the harness and its connections (snap hooks, lanyard and tie-off adaptors/anchorages). Make sure to check the label of each to identify the type of harness, model, manufacturing details, limitations and warnings. Complete the inspection by rating the overall condition and providing recommendations to improve safety.
Emergency Lighting and Exit Sign Inspection Checklist
An emergency lighting and exit sign inspection checklist is used to ensure emergency lights are in good working condition. This template can be used by maintenance teams to document and report any defects identified. The template has been built to guide the inspector to perform the following: 1) Evaluate the physical condition of equipment, battery, and luminous 2) Take photo evidence and detailed notes of any defects found 3) Record the action needs and sent in-app notification to the relevant contact 4) Document overall assessment and recommendations 5) End inspection with a digital signature and timestamp to validate record of inspection
Perform this checklist to identify safety measures before, during and after work shifts. Start with a description of the work, take photo of it and list down names of personnel performing the task. Next identify the safety measures which include permits, proper training, safety routes, vicinities and equipment. Then check the harness if it is properly connected and used. Afterwhich, Identify the changes that needs to be implemented and finally, summarize the inspection by providing recommendations of equipment to be replaced or remove from service.
A CCTV Maintenance Checklist Log is used to ensure surveillance cameras are in good working condition. This template can be used by security teams to record and report any defects identified. The template has been built to guide the inspector to perform the following: Evaluate the physical condition of camera, wiring and control equipment Take photo evidence and detailed notes of any defects found Document required repairs and send an in-app notification to the relevant contact End inspection with a digital signature and timestamp to validate record of inspection