Free 1,000+ Workplace Checklists & Templates created by the SafetyCulture team.
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Incident Report - First Response
Quickly gather the facts. Collect evidence about an incident, accident or injury. Conduct full investigations quickly with this incident report template.
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Incident Report - Full Investigation & Report
Collect evidence, find root causes and investigate incidents, accidents and injuries. Create a comprehensive incident investigation report. Go deeper than an early incident report template.
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Weekly Site Safety Inspection
Use this weekly site safety inspection checklist to perform an extensive audit of a job site. Includes checks for first aid facilities, fire prevention, emergencies, site security, PPE, housekeeping, work benches, storage, rubbish, trip and fall safety, scaffolding, hazardous manual tasks, hand and power tools, general machinery, plant and equipment, ladders, electrical safety, chemical safety, confined spaces, and incident, injury and accident procedures.
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Safety Walk Checklist
A safety walk checklist, also known as a management walkaround, puts managers in the field to observe work in progress and identify opportunities to improve the safety of that work with the workers involved.
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Toolbox Talk Meeting Record
Use this toolbox talk meeting template to record details from safety meetings and toolbox talks. Includes areas to record items from previous meetings, new safety issues to discuss, general business and an attendance log, with signature fields
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Vehicle Inspection Report
Use this vehicle inspection report checklist to ensure motor vehicle/s are safe and ready for use. Can be used to perform daily or monthly checks. Includes vehicle inspection, maintenance checks, documentation check, and a defect and damage log.
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Daily Pre-Start Safety Inspection
Use this daily pre start safety inspection checklist each morning before work starts. Includes area to record types of work being completed, task breakdown, final checks and worker sign off.
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Gap Analysis ISO 9001 Checklist
This Gap Analysis ISO 9001 Checklist can help you prepare for ISO 9001:2015 certification. Use this to evaluate if the Context of the organization, Planning, Operation, Quality control, and Product improvement complies with the ISO standard. It will also help determine the needs of consumers and your opportunities for improvements within the QMS. Use SafetyCulture to generate efficient on-site reports and assign corrective actions to appropriate team members.
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General Workplace Inspection
This checklist is designed for conducting thorough workplace inspections to identify hazards and ensure compliance with safety regulations. It promotes a proactive approach to maintaining a safe working environment.
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Warehouse Safety Checklist
This general warehouse safety checklist aims to evaluate potential risks observed during warehouse operations. Start by providing general information about the business then proceed with an evaluation of warehouse location, dock areas (exterior and interior), equipment, and sanitation. It also focuses on evaluating warehouse safety training programs and the implementation of emergency and safety procedures. If defects are identified, the inspector can add recommendations and actions to improve overall safety in the warehouse premises.
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Hotel Room Inspection
Comprehensive housekeeping inspection checklist. This a Yes/No format that covers the general guest room cleaning, maintenance issue, amenities and settings.
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Accident Investigation Form - Worksafe NZ
Created by WorkSafe New Zealand, this accident investigation form can be used to record details of an incident as part of an investigation.
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General GMP Checklist
This General GMP Compliance Checklist can be used during regular site inspections to evaluate overall adherence to manufacturing protocols. The checklist is divided into 9 sections and applies scoring which will give you insight into how your audits are performing over time. The checklist also includes quality management processes for contamination, pest control, packaging, and labelling. Lastly, the checklist assesses if your workers receive adequate training to carry out their tasks. Conduct GMP audits with this checklist using SafetyCulture on your mobile or tablet, capture photo evidence of non-compliance and assign corrective action items for immediate resolution.
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Heavy Vehicle Inspection Checklist
This heavy inspection checklist can be used by a certified technician to identify problems and mechanical issues of heavy vehicles and to prepare for the DOT annual vehicle inspection.
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ISO 9001:2015 Audit Checklist
Audit your Quality Management System for compliance with ISO 9001:2015. Check your QMS meets ISO standards.
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Vehicle Inspection Checklist
This generic vehicle inspection checklist aims to identify defects and mechanical issues of any vehicle. Most importantly, it's best used to prevent problems and ensure road safety. The authorised inspector would check all the parts and determine if the vehicle is good to go, needs repair service or parts replacement.
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Take 5 Safety Checklist
This digital Take 5 pre-start safety checklist is designed to help workers and contractors minimize health and safety risks and hazards. It should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete
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HACCP template
This checklist follows the seven principles to maintain and manage the HACCP system. Use this HACCP template to evaluate if the HACCP team's skills and experience are appropriate for the task. This checklist will inspect the products and check if the flow diagram to be used for each product is complete and verified. Moreover, the checklist also covers GMP, cleaning procedures, pest control, training, and calibration. Use SafetyCulture on your tablet or mobile device to conduct a digital inspection and generate on the spot report while on site.
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OSHA Housekeeping Checklist
This OSHA Housekeeping Checklist converted using SafetyCulture can be used to inspect housekeeping activities. Evaluate if walkways, working surfaces, lighting, storage, and sanitation facilities are clean and regularly maintained. This checklist also covers storage and maintenance of tools and equipment, materials handling and proper waste disposal.
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Office Risk Assessment
Risk assessment for general office. Identify office work activity that appears at risk and observe all probable hazards. List people most at harm (e.g. staff, customers, visitors). Assess risk rating per the matrix and devise an implementation plan.
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ISO 45001:2018 Readiness Checklist
This ISO 45001 readiness checklist can help you identify areas of your business that require further work before your external ISO 45001 audit certification
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Risk Assessment Template
Document workplace hazards, risk ratings and control measures.
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General 5S Housekeeping Checklist
Perform 5S with this General 5S Housekeeping Checklist to organize workspaces so your workers can perform efficiently, effectively, and safely. Begin your 5S inspection by describing the nature of work and capture a photo of the workspace before proceeding with the 5S inspection. Assess each principle (sort out, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain) then capture photos of red tagged items and allocate a place for all the materials needed for your work. Consolidate daily cleaning procedures and create a standard in setting up a clean workplace. Lastly, all training and other programs should be implemented to sustain workplace organization. End the inspection by providing recommendation and overall rating.
Downloads: 11,492Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
ISO 14001:2015 Audit Checklist
Audit your Environmental Management System for compliance with ISO 14001:2015. Check your EMS meets ISO standards.
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