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Patricia Guevara

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Patricia Guevara is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. With her extensive content writing and copywriting experience, she creates high-quality content across a variety of relevant topics. She aims to promote workplace safety, operational excellence, and continuous improvement in her articles. She is passionate about communicating how technology can be used to streamline work processes, empowering companies to realize their business goals.

Articles by Patricia Guevara

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
an operations manager and analyst looking at data gathered using an operational audit checklist on a desktop

Operational Audit Checklist

Streamline audits on your organization’s operations to ensure everything is well-accounted for with the help of operational audit checklists.

  • Human Resources
  • Operations
workers with high employee engagement level having a fun activity

Employee Engagement

Learn about employee engagement and how you can improve your organization’s efforts in fostering it using valuable strategies and tools.

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
demand management strategy planning team conducting a meeting

Demand Management Strategy

Learn why you must create a demand management strategy for your organization and how it can help you achieve better business results.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Safety
Matriz de riesgo 5x5 presentada

5×5 Risk Matrix

This guide walks you through the basics of a 5×5 risk matrix: its definition, importance, components, and usage. Learn how this tool can help simplify your risk assessments.

  • Compliance
  • ISO
Certificación ISO 13485 destacada

ISO 13485 Certification

Learn about the ISO 13485 certification, its importance, benefits, process, and some FAQs. Also, see how a digital tool can help you prepare for certification.

  • Compliance
  • ISO
ISO 13485 destacado

ISO 13485

This guide will walk you through the following: what the international standard ISO 13485 covers, its importance, how it differs from ISO 9001, and the specific requirements.

  • Safety
  • Safety Management
a driver being careful on the road for the driver scorecard

Driver Scorecard

Evaluate and track driver performance and behavior while on the road using a tool called driver scorecard.

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
an environmental manager onsite collecting information about their organization's environmental impact using an environmental aspects and impacts register on tablet

Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register

Document how your business operations and processes affect the environment and tailor your overall environmental management approach with the help of environmental aspects and impact register templates.

  • Safety
  • Safety Management
an IAQ inspector checking HVAC filters during an IAQ assessment as a task listed on an indoor air quality assessment checklist|Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist Sample Report|Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist

Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist

Efficiently evaluate air quality in various indoor spaces to ensure occupant safety using downloadable indoor air quality assessment checklists.

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
seguridad energética

Energy Security

This article discusses what energy security is, its importance, the factors affecting it, and the strategies to achieve it.

  • Operations
  • Record Management
project managers accomplishing a job cost sheet on a tablet|Job Cost Sheet Sample Report|Job Cost Sheet Template

Job Cost Sheet

Document and provide a breakdown of all project costs using job cost sheet templates you can download for free.

  • Construction Safety
  • Safety
a professional conducting post-construction cleaning in accordance with the guidelines stated in a post-construction cleaning checklist|Post Construction Cleaning Checklist Sample Report|Post Construction Cleaning Checklist

Post Construction Cleaning Checklist

Effectively perform post-construction cleaning to ensure quality and safety standards using post-construction cleaning checklists.

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