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Waldorf Astoria

This luxury hotel uses SafetyCulture to maintain high brand standards across the entire property.

1,047 guest rooms inspected each day

13 daily restaurant audits

3 full hotel inspections per day

We use SafetyCulture for

Luxury brands come with a level of expectation that requires a consistent effort to reach and maintain. To Waldorf, the brand is nothing more than a promise. They strive to deliver a world-class service, and to be the best in the business.

“The delivery between good and great is so small. And our goal is to try and deliver that over and over again.

Andy Roenbeck
Executive Chef at Waldorf Astoria Boca Raton

Andy Roenbeck, Executive Chef at Waldorf Astoria Boca Raton says, “You have different challenges working in an old property like this, trying to stay to code with the board of health and sanitation in general. But it is a very important piece of every single chef’s responsibility being able to deliver more than what the board of health’s expectations are on a day to day basis.”

With all these extremely high expectations the staff have upon themselves to be the best every day, the team found it used to be hard to maintain that level of excellence, particularly in food and beverage. Management strives to keep the team committed and provide the tools they need to perform their jobs successfully. With such a large food operation and 13 different restaurants, there is a high chance something could go wrong if they don’t follow the correct procedures.

Waldorf Astoria team had specific needs for an inspection tool. Their non negotiables were something that they could implement quickly, with minimal training for staff, and something that was mobile. The staff had previously used paper checklists, which were difficult to keep track of and keep in legible condition.

Once Waldorf Astoria implemented SafetyCulture, the staff across the resort in every department could conduct digital audits to ensure they meet all of the standards, take photos, record audio, then submit a report. It would then go on a custom dashboard which displayed the areas where teams were excelling and where they needed to improve.

Staci Frachtman, Assistant Front Office Manager loved the change, and believes the ability to have stored evidence and accountability improves everyone’s performance. “ I want to know the feedback, I want to know what I’m doing right, what I’m doing wrong, where I can improve,” Staci says. From Staci’s perspective, it makes coaching easier, “I’ve definitely seen a drastic change in my team and what they understand to be our expectation of them.”

Andy says using SafetyCulture has introduced a level of clarity that they have never had before. By visualizing the data, the staff can easily analyze what’s working, what needs improvement, and even where staff may need retraining. With SafetyCulture in their hands, the Waldorf Astoria team can constantly move forward and improve.

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