The 10 Best Layered Process Audit Software for 2024

worker checking production quality using a layered process audit software||layered process audit software featured|Anvl Layered Process Audit Software|Audit Pro Layered Process Audit Software|AuditBoard Layered Process Audit Software|ComplianceQuest Layered Process Audit Software|EASE Layered Process Audit Software|iAudited Layered Process Audit Software|SmartLPA Layered Process Audit Software|WorkClout Layered Process Audit Software

Why use SafetyCulture?

SafetyCulture is a highly-configurable layered process audit software that has an intuitive interface available for desktop and mobile devices. It allows inspectors to perform audits even when offline, make use of in-app audit scheduling for proactive quality management, and assign and track corrective actions, among other features. The layered process audit app’s high-grade functionalities aim to help make a company’s layered process audit procedure efficient and hassle-free.


Why use EASE?

With the platform’s support for layered process audits to safety inspections, EASE empowers organizations to realize the value of quality operations driven by worker safety and effective quality management solutions.


  • Thorough audit scheduling
  • Question library and document management
  • Automated audit reminders
  • Configurable dashboards and charts for insights and analytics
  • Integration capabilities

Why use Audit Pro?

Audit Pro by OMNEX Systems provides a proactive approach to managing internal, external, and customer audit programs. Using this layered process audit software, you can manage the entire audit lifecycle of your organization more flexibly.


  • Mobile capabilities for on-the-go audits
  • LPA report auto-generation
  • LPA scheduling
  • Audit checklist template creation
  • Automated audit notifications

Why use Anvl?

As a holistic platform helping organizations capture critical quality data, Anvl aims to reimagine layered process audits toward continuous improvement. This mobile solution lets you pinpoint actual process issues, evaluate trends in your audit data, and calibrate your systems.


  • Configurable, pre-built, and quick-start templates
  • Live workflow updates
  • Dashboard and photo library
  • Automated issue tracking and tagging
  • Cloud platform and storage

Why use WorkClout?

The WorkClout layered process audit software allows manufacturers to be proactive in maintaining quality through continuous validation of a full-proof production process. This is crucial in ensuring that defects are avoided and quality isn’t compromised.


  • Conditional logic, trigger notifications, and corrective actions
  • LPA checklist templates
  • Failure metrics tracking
  • Integration capabilities
  • Compliance management

Why use SmartLPA?

SmartLPA is a powerful tool used by organizations in managing their LPA strategies. Considered an industry-standard solution, this layered process audit software allows companies to improve their audit completion rate and overall quality management.

SmartLPA features:

  • Automatic audit scheduling with different frequencies per layer
  • Mobile device support
  • Corrective action tracking
  • Flexible reporting
  • Enterprise-grade cloud security

Why use iAudited?

iAudited aims to provide a significant reduction in your organization’s quality management costs and defects through the software’s advanced set of features and functionality. Using the platform, be able to manage compliance standards and meet regulatory requirements of internal audits and safety measures.


  • Timestamped and geo-tagged audits
  • Collaborative task management
  • Professional-grade data security
  • Local data storage & multilanguage support
  • Status updates of corrective action progress

Why use ComplianceQuest?

ComplianceQuest is a cloud-based, AI-powered layered process audit software that empowers companies in the manufacturing industry to streamline their safety, quality, and compliance protocols toward risk mitigation, streamlined workplace communication, and LPA collaboration.


  • Quality management system (QMS) workflows
  • Audit program creation, scheduling, and management
  • Collaboration functionality
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Mobile access

Why use AuditBoard?

AuditBoard is a modern platform for audit, risk, and compliance management. It connects stakeholders through a centralized system that helps them gather evidence and remediate issues effectively. AuditBoard also provides real-time visibility into LPA strategies and actions, so businesses are able to drive action immediately.

AuditBoard features:

  • OpsAudit to streamline fieldwork, testing, review, and documentation
  • RiskOversight for automated distribution of risk assessments
  • CrossComply for compliance management
  • Archiving and retention
  • Forms management

What is a Layered Process Audit Software?

A layered process audit software is a digital tool used by workers, supervisors, managers, and other stakeholders involved in a company’s production process, to assist them in performing a quality management technique called a layered process audit. A layered process audit (LPA) is a type of inspection wherein different tiers or “layers” of production personnel, from low-level stakeholders to upper management, all perform the same audit in order to ensure that protocols are being followed in all stages of the production process and no important details are overlooked.

How a Layered Process Audit Software Helps

A solid quality management system is the foundation for any successful operation, regardless of industry. Outside of standard process auditing initiatives, layered process auditing is especially effective since it includes input from different people in charge of different aspects of the process. A well-executed layered process audit can help ensure that your business is operating at peak capacity.

The downside of working with a larger group, however, is that coordination and execution become increasingly difficult. For high quality to become a sustainable standard, using a layered process auditing software helps solve numerous problems that you may otherwise encounter with traditional paper checklists. Below are some of the ways SafetyCulture improves your layered process audit practices.

Perform digital inspections on the go

A great layered process audit software must have offline usability, letting you perform inspections and audits anytime, anywhere with your iOS or Android mobile device. Your inspection data shall automatically sync to the cloud once you connect to the internet.

See the big picture through powerful data analytics

Manually capturing and organizing inspection data via pen and paper is time-consuming and stressful. A layered process audit software helps streamline your standard protocols by taking your inspection data and turning them into actionable insights. POur powerful data analytics dashboards can help spot trends and identify issues that require immediate corrective action and improvement. Gain visibility into high-performing departments and sites anytime, anywhere, so you can share their best practices across the organization.

Synchronicity made easy

An LPA software’s automatic sync feature constantly keeps your organization updated. Template updates are automatically rolled out to all approved users to ensure that everyone is using the latest version, while in-app audit scheduling cuts down on the lag time between planning and execution. Completed and in-progress reports, along with pending and accomplished corrective actions, are on display and easily accessible to avoid duplication of work.

A versatile and user-friendly auditing platform

Download pre-made layered process auditing templates you can use immediately or easily create and customize your own using the software’s template builder. Customize audit responses so you can capture the data that you need. Include yes or no responses, multiple-choice questions, and additional instructions. You can also include photos and videos, annotate them for reference, and add “smart fields” to show and hide questions or choices as needed.

Improved auditing accountability

Using a layered process audit software helps you maintain accountability even with a larger group by using the built-in inspection timestamp and timer, allowing schedulers to see if inspections are being completed on time. It also makes it easy to track which audits and corrective actions have been assigned, are in progress, or have been completed.

Unlimited data storage and security via cloud technology

Aside from easily accessing your data from a mobile device, web-based layered process audit software solutions let you save both money and space in data organization through unlimited cloud storage. No more manual sorting through stacks of paper, bulky file cabinets, or lost and misplaced audit data.


Top layered process audit software programs must have these features:

  • Smart Forms – Create unlimited smart forms and convert your existing paper checklists to digital forms.
    Inspections and Workflow Automation – Complete inspections from anywhere, at any time with a layered process audit software mobile app.
  • Fast Reporting – Detailed inspection reports and insights help problems get solved quicker.
  • Insights & Analytics – Turn your data into actionable insights.
  • Integrations – Connect your layered process audit software to other business software systems such as Tableau, Sharepoint, and more.

How to Pick the Best LPA Software

For a quick overview of which layered process audit software is best suited for your needs, here’s a roundup of our best 10:

  • Best Overall: SafetyCulture
  • Best for Mid-size and Large Automotive and Aerospace Manufacturers: EASE
  • Best for Enterprises: Audit Pro
  • Best for Frontline Workers: Anvl
  • Best for Automotive Manufacturers: WorkClout
  • Best for Biomedical Sectors: SmartLPA
  • Best for Manufacturing Plants: iAudited
  • Best for Highly-regulated Manufacturing Industries: ComplianceQuest
  • Best for LPA Risk Management: AuditBoard

You may also use this table for the comparison of free version availability, pricing of paid plans, and mobile app capability:

Layered Process Audit Software Free Version Paid Plan Mobile App
SafetyCulture Yes $19/month/10 users Yes
EASE Yes Details unavailable Yes
Audit Pro None Details unavailable Yes
Anvl None Details unavailable Yes
WorkClout None $25/user/month* Yes
SmartLPA None Details unavailable Yes
iAudited None $144/user/year** Yes
ComplianceQuest None $30/user/month Yes
AuditBoard None Details unavailable No

*for a maximum of 4 users/account
**or $15/user/month

Check out these ready-to-use LPA checklist templates you can download and customize using SafetyCulture:

Browse more templates

Patricia Guevara
Article by

Patricia Guevara

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Patricia Guevara is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. With her extensive content writing and copywriting experience, she creates high-quality content across a variety of relevant topics. She aims to promote workplace safety, operational excellence, and continuous improvement in her articles. She is passionate about communicating how technology can be used to streamline work processes, empowering companies to realize their business goals.