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bp pulse UK

How bp pulse UK drove rapid and electric communication with a dispersed workforce through Heads Up in SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor).

We use SafetyCulture for

bp pulse UK

bp pulse UK, produces and installs Electric Vehicle charge points across its public network and homecharge business. With over 10 years experience, they have established themselves as an industry leader as the most-used EV charging network in the UK. As their expansion continues, and government investing billions in EVC infrastructure, bp pulse UK is leading the way in electric vehicle charging and building a business model for replication globally.

bp pulse UK drives change and that’s why they’ve been setting the standard with their use of the SafetyCulture platform: to digitize inspections, assign Actions, capture Issues and most recently, to send communications with Heads Up.

Driving electric communication

Andrew Gabb, Operations Health and Safety Manager of bp pulse UK who reports to Vitor Monteiro bp pulse UK director of HSE & C, trialled Heads Up, SafetyCulture platform’s one-stop messaging broadcast center. It has been crucial for communicating with a dispersed workforce installing and maintaining EVC points. Equally, bp pulse UK also houses a large Business Development and R&D department, who have also benefited from improved communication via Heads Up. With safety being a core value for the company, it was crucial Andrew had a way to keep safety and quality top of mind for the workforce.

Before Heads Up the team had struggled to find a best practice for communicating with a dispersed workforce, relying on toolbox talks, onsite meetings, emails and memos. Crucially, Andrew didn’t know “if the message had got through” unless he was physically with teams, which was not realistic.

Trial Time 

Upon learning about Heads Up, Andrew decided to trial it for a proof of concept. They felt the feature had huge potential, with their teams already using the SafetyCulture platform in their day to day roles for inspections. Their first use case was a reminder on Weekly Vehicle Inspections, which are already being conducted in the SafetyCulture platform. The reaction was “unreal, stretching beyond just a communication” – the simple message helped lift inspection completion rates across the board.

Heads Up, is also giving bp pulse UK the opportunity to flex and send out communications rapidly. Andrew spoke of an incident around the isolation procedure. Upon learning about this (via Issues), he was able to create a Heads Up message in just 5 minutes, reminding the teams of the isolation procedure and best practice around damaged equipment. Heads Up being used for such an important message also gave him peace of mind as he was able to see who had acknowledged it in real-time. This now means he is more confident than ever that the teams are well informed.

“It is critical that we know that people understand the message and when they acknowledge it we know that we are getting through to them.”

Andrew Gabb

Operations Health and Safety Manager, bp pulse UK

The opportunities are endless

With this initial success, Andrew and his team have gone on to create 27 communications through the feature, including reminders about staying hydrated in warm weather and ensuring mileage is recorded correctly on fuel cards.

bp pulse UK has also seen great success due to the employee engagement with the feature. The messages are received well – they’re short and targeted. Heads Up allows Andrew to send communications to particular segments of the team, ensuring they are only receiving content relevant to them.

Because of this they have witnessed a cultural change around the sharing of information between teams. Employees engage with Heads Up by commenting on them and asking the team questions when unsure. This shift has only helped Heads Up and SafetyCulture go from “strength to strength” within bp pulse UK, where they are seeing pockets of SafetyCulture usage spring up globally. For Andrew Gabb, the usage is quite simply a “no brainer”.

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