Free Office Safety Checklists

Establish safety in your office with ready-to-use digital safety checklists and templates.

|||Plantilla es para realizar una inspección de seguridad en la oficina|office safety checklist

What is an Office Safety Checklist?

An office safety checklist is a tool used to verify that companies comply with safety regulations and ensure that the office is a safe working environment. Office safety checklists generally cover the equipment, lighting, and workstations, including the most hazardous areas such as the floor, stairways, and aisles. Sometimes called an office safety inspection checklist or an office hazards checklist, it can also be used to audit workplace safety procedures, perform risk assessments, evaluate office ergonomics, conduct staff induction, and document incidents.

Why is an Office Safety Inspection Checklist Important?

Maintaining office safety with checklists provides safety administrators with a comprehensive guide to performing regular inspections. They also help ensure that each aspect and office area that needs checking will be reviewed systematically and nothing will be missed. In addition, these kinds of checklists proactively identify hazards or safety issues which improves the chance of solving them before they cause a negative impact on employees or the workplace itself.

What to Include in the Checklist?

An office safety checklist should generally include the following sections before being further broken down into more specific components that are according to business needs:

General Information

This section is the introductory part of the inspection and includes general items such as:

  • Business nature
  • Office level/floor
  • Number of employees
  • Manager/Supervisor


This is the main section of an office safety checklist, it includes a review of the following items and smaller elements under them:

  • Walking surfaces
  • Furniture and office equipment
  • Bookcases, shelves, and cabinets
  • Indoor air quality
  • Copier room
  • Housekeeping
  • Training
  • Worker awareness
  • Fire prevention
  • Electrical safety
  • First aid
  • Procedures
  • Ergonomics
  • Security
  • Parking lot


Completion or closing section includes:

  • Observations/recommendations
  • Name and signature of inspector

What are the Most Common Office Hazards to Catch Using a Checklist?

An effective office safety checklist will help protect office workers from hazards that can be found in offices. Here are examples of the most common office hazards that office safety checklists aim to spot:

Slips, trips, and falls

One of the reasons why offices should be kept clean and tidy is to prevent slips, trips, and falls. Keeping the floor clear of obstructions and having spills cleaned right away can help prevent incidents in the office.

Ergonomic injuries

Time spent sitting down, working at a desk, or in front of a computer for hours on end may result in ergonomic injuries if a workstation is not ergonomic for the individual office worker. Chairs, ideally, should be adjustable, and desks and monitors should be at the right height.

Indoor air quality

Indoor air quality needs to be clean and free of particles that may cause illness. Having the ventilation system regularly tested and maintained will help keep the air quality ideal.

How to Conduct an Efficient Office Safety Inspection with a Checklist

When performing an office safety inspection, it is important to establish consistency to be able to identify patterns and recognize areas for improvement. With the help of an office safety checklist, the following are the five steps to help you determine a more effective approach to inspections:

1. Strategize your inspection

Before anything else, prepare the guidelines that would be used in implementing the endeavor. These guidelines can include specific instructions and information such as the schedule or frequency of the inspection, the name of inspectors, and other relevant resources to follow like government-mandated ones or industry best practices.

While planning for the inspection, it is also best to specify any other tools to be used such as barcode scanners, cameras for documentation, or an office inspection checklist—where all items that need checking are listed down.

2. Conduct office safety inspections

Once a comprehensive guide is designed, it is time to carry through with the plan of inspections. Ensure all aspects of the assessment will be thoroughly reviewed and verified, including the common office hazards mentioned above and the specific items previously identified in the planning stage.

With this, it’s ideal to use any type of document or tool that would ease the process of data gathering for each conducted inspection.

3. Study the gathered data

This step is the part where all the gathered data from the inspections will be reviewed and analyzed. Study the trends in which issues are noticed and recognize patterns where most non-compliance is observed.

Also, note if there’s a particular process that helps establish the need for safety inspections—this way, it’s easier to enforce them as a best practice.

4. Identify areas for improvement

Once an inspection report is formed, it is time to identify areas where changes need to be executed. Create corrective actions to potential safety hazards and mitigate them by proactively addressing employee concerns to prevent the reoccurrence of such issues.

As well, make sure that proposed measures are actionable and comprehensible. In this manner, it’s easier to track the process’ effectiveness and impact.

5. Implement changes

Finally, based on the result of the inspections, apply the changes to daily operations. This can be per office or even at an enterprise level—depending on the needs of the organization itself.

Do not forget to document any changes and do a follow-up whenever necessary. If an action is determined to not be performing as it ought to be, there is a chance that another solution needs to be identified and applied.

Using tools that ease the continuous implementation of all these steps improves the level of efficiency and effectiveness of the inspections.

FAQs About Office Safety Checklist

Routine inspections should be done on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. The frequency would heavily depend on the type of industry an office or workplace is in, but if they deal with heavy machinery and equipment, it is ideal to conduct inspections before every start of a shift. With the help of an office safety checklist, you can standardize inspections and emphasize crucial areas to always look into.

This generic template is an example of a digital office safety checklist. It consists of the usual items that are reviewed during office safety inspections. Further, this is a sample report of completed office safety assessment.

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The SafetyCulture content team is dedicated to providing high-quality, easy-to-understand information to help readers understand complex topics and improve workplace safety and quality. Our team of writers have extensive experience at producing articles for different fields such as safety, quality, health, and compliance.

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OSHA Ergonomic Computer Workstation Checklist
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Electrical Safety Inspection Report Checklist
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Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspection Checklist
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Office First Aid Kit Checklist
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Accident Injury Checklist
An office environment is often perceived as comfy, climate-controlled, safe and hazard-free. On the contrary, there are a lot of work-related injuries and health problems associated with office work. Constantly reporting and documenting incidents is important in reducing hazards. An Accident Injury template is used to record the information of the injured person, injury details and the root cause of the accident. Emergency services and witness statements are also recorded for detailed reporting. Browse here for more incident report templates.