What is a RIDDOR Report?
In the United Kingdom, a RIDDOR report is a record submitted to the authorities in compliance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013. Responsible persons (typically employers) create this report to document harmful incidents in the workplace in a timely and accurate manner. It helps track and improve health and safety in the workplace and prevent similar instances from happening in the future.
Businesses of all sizes and industries face varying levels of safety hazards. Thus, aside from preventive safety measures, employers must also keep track of incidents as they come along. One of the best ways to do this is through systematic incident reporting schemes like RIDDOR.
Writing RIDDOR reports provides several benefits, including:
- Complying with legal requirements – RIDDOR reports allow employers, self-employed individuals, and people in control of work premises to follow RIDDOR guidelines for incident reporting easily.
- Enhancing safety measures – By consistently recording incidents with RIDDOR, employers can identify recurring workplace hazards and develop better strategies to eliminate, mitigate, or minimize them.
- Preventing future incidents – RIDDOR reports serve as historical documentation for workplace incidents. These allow them not only to spot existing risks but also to anticipate potential hazards and prevent them from occurring in the future.
Reportable Incidents
After understanding the benefits of drafting RIDDOR reports, which incidents should be reported for compliance? Under the said law, employers must report the following incidents that occur in their workplace:
- Fatalities – passing away because of a workplace accident or incident
- Major injuries – broken bones, loss of limbs, or other serious injuries
- Over seven-day injuries – absence from work for more than seven (7) days due to an injury sustained in the workplace
- Dangerous occurrences – incidents that do not result in an injury but could have done so (e.g., gas leak, explosion, building collapse)
- Occupational diseases – asbestos-related diseases, carpal tunnel syndrome, hand-arm vibration syndrome, Legionnaires’ disease
- Gas incidents – gas-related incidents that require employees to go to the hospital
- Infection incidents – the release of a biological agent that could cause harm to the public
What to Include in a RIDDOR Report
RIDDOR reporting becomes more efficient when you have all the information needed. One great way to do this is by having a RIDDOR report template that you can easily fill out for all incidents that occur in the workplace. This report should include the following information:
- Company information – Provide the name and address of the company or organization where the incident happened.
- Incident reporter information – State the name, job title, and contact information of the person reporting the incident.
- Details about the injured or ill person(s) – Specify the name, contact details, and job title of the person(s) impacted by the incident.
- Incident information – Fill out the date, time, and location of the incident. Then, note which type of incident it is and if there are any witnesses.
- Incident description – Describe what happened, how it took place, and why it occurred (if known). Photos and videos can be attached in this section as evidence.
- Details about the injury – Explain the nature of the injury or illness involved, the body parts affected, and its severity.
- Actions taken – Mention any first aid provided to the injured or ill person and other actions taken as a result of the incident.
To illustrate this, here’s what a RIDDOR report looks like when filled out using a digital template:
FAQs about RIDDOR Reports
According to RIDDOR, the following people are legally obliged to report work-related incidents that fall within the scope of the law:
- Employers
- Self-employed individuals
- People in control of work premises (e.g., landlords, building owners)
Moreover, managers and supervisors should be trained to ensure they understand the reporting requirements for RIDDOR and can identify incidents that must be reported.
It’s essential to report incidents that fall within the scope of RIDDOR in a prompt manner. People responsible for submitting these reports must generally do so within 10 days, but this can vary depending on the type of incident:
- Fatal accidents and major injuries – immediately, either by phone or online
- Injuries that incapacitate workers for 7 days – within 15 days of the incident
- Occupational diseases – as soon as the diagnosis is received
- Dangerous occurrences – within 10 days after the incident
Failure to report a RIDDOR incident counts as a criminal offense under the law. Organizations can face severe penalties, legal repercussions, and damage to reputation because of non-compliance. Thus, it’s crucial to ensure that all workplace incidents are reported in line with this regulation.