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VROON: An International Shipping Company

VROON manages vessel inspections across a fleet of 170 vessels with SafetyCulture.

170 vessels fleet Size (in various business segments)

3,500 employees

7/24/365 days a vessel can be deployed

We use SafetyCulture for

Ships do not earn money lying in port and every day they are idle, they cost money. Big money.

Before implementing SafetyCulture, Vroon used to conduct inspections via a Word document.  This was both arduous and time-consuming. The result of this was that reports were often handed in way too late. In addition, the contents of the reports were not always clear. This led to a considerable amount of time being allocated to follow-up to ensure the reports were understood. With a lack of clear data, as a result, it cost Vroon a lot of time and resources to identify and track systematic errors or issues onboard their ships.

SafetyCulture allows us to prevent downtime.

Maren Schroeder

Head of Technical

Since implementing the SafetyCulture platform inspections have become more efficient, which in turn has made reporting much faster. This has helped Vroon prevent future downtime, which is critical when preparing a vessel to go to sea.

From viewing the analytics in SafetyCulture, a lot of inspectors reported that not all loose items were not being secured properly onboard vessels. The data in SafetyCulture prompted Vroon to spot this systematic error and address it via a group-wide campaign.

Vroon no longer has to manually skim through hundreds of pages of reports to identify common issues across their fleet, they now have hard facts and data available to make informed decisions.

Without SafetyCulture, it would have been difficult to identify this systematic error.

Maren Schroeder

Head of Technical

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