The Ultimate Fire Door Inspection Checklist For Your Establishment

Streamline your process of inspecting fire doors to ensure their maximum functionality using fire door inspection checklists you can download for free.

a well-inspected and functioning fire door that was checked using a fire door inspection checklist|Fire Door Inspection Checklist Sample Report|Fire Door Inspection Checklist

What is a Fire Door Inspection Checklist?

A fire door inspection checklist is a tool used to guide the process of evaluating the condition and functionality of fire doors, identifying any deficiencies or issues, and checking if they meet the minimum safety standards and regulations. It’s used by building owners, facility managers, and fire safety professionals to ensure fire doors are properly installed, maintained, and functioning as intended.

Why Use One

When it comes to fire safety in establishments, one crucial component is fire doors. They are designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke, protecting occupants and allowing for a safe evacuation.

In terms of regulatory compliance, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)’s design and construction requirements for exit routes in buildings specify that they must have fire doors that remain closed or automatically close during emergencies. Since this is part of a building’s fire safety system, using a supplementary OSHA inspection checklist for comprehensive office safety checks is highly recommended.

However, fire doors can only be effective if they’re properly installed, maintained, and regularly checked. To ensure that fire doors are in good working condition, building owners, facility managers, and fire safety professionals should conduct inspections using a fire door inspection checklist. This outlines the key components that need to be inspected, helps ensure that no important details are missed, and reduces the risk of fire-related injuries and property damage.

Apart from those, you can also achieve the following benefits when you use this checklist:

  • Ensure compliance with regulations – Inspecting fire doors using a checklist helps ensure that they meet the required fire safety standards and regulations.
  • Identify deficiencies – This allows building owners and managers to take corrective action before any potential fire-related incidents occur.
  • Maintain safety – Regular fire door inspections and maintenance using a checklist can help ensure that they can provide the necessary protection in case of a fire.
  • Save costs – By catching fire door issues early, building owners and managers can address them before they become more significant and require more extensive repairs or replacements.

What to Include in One

To ensure comprehensive and organized fire door inspections, your checklist should include the following items and sections:

  • Visual Check – for any signs of damage, warping, misalignment, etc.
  • Hardware and Accessories Check – for any unsecured latches, hinges, etc.
  • Mechanism and Operational Test – whether the fire door is functioning properly
  • Recommendations and Corrective Actions – for next steps and resolution of issues found during inspections
  • Completion and Sign-off – for the inspector to affix a digital signature before exporting the report

How to Create One

To create a fire door inspection checklist, follow these steps:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the relevant fire safety regulations and standards for fire doors in your jurisdiction. These may include the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 80, local building codes, and other fire door inspection requirements.
  2. Create a list of all fire doors in your building or facility that need to be inspected. This list should include the door’s location, rating, and other relevant information.
  3. Develop a list of items to inspect for each fire door. Consider items such as clearances, latching mechanisms, hinges, seals, operation, frame, hardware, glass, and accessories.
  4. Create a checklist form that includes all of the inspection items. The form should also have a space for notes and comments, as well as a place to document any deficiencies or issues found.
  5. Train the team responsible for conducting the fire door inspections on the regulations, standards, and checklist items.

How to Use One

To help you effectively maximize a checklist you can use during a fire door inspection, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Conduct a thorough inspection of the fire door using the checklist to guide you through each item. Take note of any deficiencies or issues found.
  2. Record the results along with the identified issues and recommended corrective actions.
  3. Address any identified issues promptly. Make repairs or replacements as necessary to ensure the fire door is functioning correctly. For any follow-ups needed, either assign actions or add notes for proper documentation and endorsement.
  4. Complete the inspection report and keep its record, along with any actions taken for future reference.
  5. Make sure to schedule regular inspections of fire doors using the checklist to ensure ongoing compliance with regulations and safety standards.

FAQs About Fire Door Inspection Checklists

Fire door inspections should be conducted by trained individuals, such as safety professionals, who are knowledgeable about fire safety regulations and standards. Also, contracting or working with a licensed fire protection company is encouraged to help organizations conduct comprehensive audits and inspections related to fire safety in general.

The frequency varies based on regulations and the level of use of the doors. As a rule of thumb, fire door inspections should be conducted regularly to ensure ongoing compliance and safety. However, inspecting fire doors at least every 6 months is highly recommended. For newer establishments, a more frequent schedule is a must.

Yes, detailed records should be kept of all fire door inspections, repairs, replacements, and even maintenance tasks carried out. These records and reports should provide information on the results and any corrective actions taken for future reference.

Patricia Guevara
Article by

Patricia Guevara

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Patricia Guevara is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. With her extensive content writing and copywriting experience, she creates high-quality content across a variety of relevant topics. She aims to promote workplace safety, operational excellence, and continuous improvement in her articles. She is passionate about communicating how technology can be used to streamline work processes, empowering companies to realize their business goals.

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