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Move from reactive to proactive lone worker safety

Stay connected to remote teams with a lone worker safety solution that protects workers in real-time so they never have to feel alone.

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Get your mobile workforce home safely

Whether your teams are healthcare workers providing home visits, surveyors completing site inspections or field technicians operating in dangerous or remote areas, our lone worker solution makes it easy to ensure the safety of your teams in real-time, no matter their environment.

Stay connected to your team and be there when it counts

SafetyCulture is your companion on the ground, feeding critical information into a dynamic dashboard that makes it easy to manage and report on lone worker activities.

Customize automated escalation workflows and have confidence that alerts will be sent to the right team leaders every time.

Give teams a simple tool they can trust

SafetyCulture was built with frontline users in mind, providing intuitive ways to activate a duress alarm, confirm check-ins, or notify leaders when a job doesn’t go to plan.

Location visibility is always employee-activated, protecting their personal privacy when not in use.

Built for and trusted by lone workers and leaders around the world

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Stay compliant with demanding health and safety regulations

Feel confident you have a proactive safety solution in place complete with a digital audit trail.

Employees report that they feel much more secure. As a manager, I find it much easier to track the safety of my employees when working in the community.

Jeremy B

Community Rehab Manager, Epworth Healthcare

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