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A fire drill checklist is used to evaluate an end to end process of evacuation drill. It is completed by safety coordinators to check the effectiveness of evacuation process set.A fire drill checklist is used to evaluate an end to end process of evacuation drill. It is completed by safety coordinators to check the effectiveness of evacuation process set.
Free 1,000+ Workplace Checklists & Templates created by the SafetyCulture team.
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Fire Drill Log
A fire drill log is used to document, identify, and track the number of participants who joined the evacuation drill. Also, it helps to counter check the total number of occupants.
Use this fire incident template for notification of any fire or fire related incidents. Example incidents include building and vehicle fires, premises evacuation, alarm activation, obstructed exit routes, premises evacuation or accidental fire notifications
An evacuation plan template is used by employers to guide them in writing their evacuation plans. It ensures that all of the essential elements of an evacuation plan are covered. Employers can use this evacuation plan template to do the following: (1) Establish a clear chain of command by assigning evacuation officers, wardens, and assistants, (2) Choose an internal emergency alert system for employees and add measures in case of system failure, (3) Determine the primary and alternative methods of emergency communication, (4) Specify evacuation procedures for each area in the workplace, and (5) Add floor plan diagrams to illustrate exit routes.
This Fire Prevention Inspection checklist template is used to check for fire safety threats to prevent fires and ensure fire code requirements are met.