Confirm accountability and compliance with a digital log
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JSA template used to document: 1) observations of workers performing individual tasks, 2) identified hazards, and 3) preventive measures and controlsJSA template used to document: 1) observations of workers performing individual tasks, 2) identified hazards, and 3) preventive measures and controls
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OSHA Job Hazard Analysis Form
This generic template was This OSHA JHA Form was converted using SafetyCulture and can be used as safety planning guide or log. List the work processes being performed. Identify hazards associated with the task and elaborate the consequences or negative results if these risks are not dealt with. Next state preventive measures and controls to reduce, control or eliminate the hazards. Write a rationale to substantiate better action plans to be taken. Use SafetyCulture to compile JSA logs for better safety planning purposes.
Use this template to conduct more detailed hazard analysis in your workplace. Explore the features of SafetyCulture and modify the checklist based on your workplace needs. Start by listing the names of the people who develops JSA procedures, and select the work permits, authorizations and PPE required for the activity. Next enumerate applicable trainings to carry out individual tasks. Also, take note of the equipment checks conducted. Proceed with the job safety analysis and risk assessment by adding steps, selecting hazards and identifying controls. Conduct an initial risk assessment, add controls (if needed), then rate the residual/revised risk analysis. Confirm whether the process is completed or not. If not, conduct a task review to serve as a basis for the continuity of the process. Finally, acknowledge by getting all people involved to sign off.
A field level hazard assessment template aims to help frontline workers identify and immediately control hazards in designated work areas. Use this digital FLHA template to briefly discuss the tasks to be done during the shift, specify and take photos of the hazards in your work area, indicate how hazards are controlled, update the tasks, hazards, and controls in real-time and validate the assessment with digital signatures.