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Leon Altomonte

SafetyCulture Content Contributor
Leon Altomonte is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. With his language degree and years of experience in content writing, he delivers well-researched, informative articles about safety, quality, and operational excellence. In addition to his professional pursuits, Leon maintains a creative outlet as a performing musician.

Articles by Leon Altomonte

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
retail worker utilizing the benefits of retail digital transformation with a tablet for inventory management

Retail Digital Transformation

Digital transformation can bring significant changes to retail operations. Below, dive into the intricacies of this type of digital transformation, how to facilitate it, and how it benefits retail businesses.

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
worker at a landfill conducting plasic waste management procedures

Plastic Waste Management

Ensure responsible and sustainable business operations through efficient plastic waste management practices.

  • Facility Management
  • Maintenance
property manager in ppe using a property maintenance software on a tablet

Property Maintenance Software

Discover the best property maintenance software of 2025, their benefits, and how they can transform your workflow.
  • Digital Tool
  • Operations
caregiver using their caregiver daily log app on a tablet

Caregiver Daily Log App

Discover the best caregiver daily log apps on the market and learn how they can upgrade caregiving workflows and enhance patient care.
  • Safety
  • Safety Management
Two inspectors assessing the different types of operational risks in their organization

Types of Operational Risks

Learn about the different types of operational risks, why understanding them matters, and how to manage them effectively.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Safety
a group of organizational leaders discussing risk culture strategies in a meeting room

Risk Culture

Learn what risk culture is, why it’s important, and some practical ways you can build a solid risk culture in your organization.

  • Operations
  • Performance Evaluation
An officer performing risk and control self-assessment within the facility

Risk and Control Self Assessment

Learn what a risk and control self-assessment is, why it’s important, and how to conduct it in your operations.

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
two business leaders discussing an organization's risk exposure strategies

Risk Exposure

Learn about risk exposure, its significance to organizations’ GRC strategies, what contributes to it, and how to assess risk exposure involved in operations.

  • Operations
  • Record Management
A corporate lawyer reviewing the company's regulatory reporting

Regulatory Reporting

Discover the significance of regulatory reporting to organizations, how it impacts their governance, risk management, and compliance measures, and the best practices to consider.

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
a group of organizational leaders discussing regulatory compliance examples to follow

Regulatory Compliance Examples

Learn the top regulatory compliance examples organizations must consider in their operations to ensure alignment and effective implementation.

  • Business Processes
  • Operations
a group of GRC managers talking about compliance documentation strategies using digital tools

Compliance Documentation

Learn more about the process of compliance documentation, its types, and how to manage compliance documents in your organization.

  • Operations
  • Performance Evaluation
A manager is doing routine compliance monitoring checks

Compliance Monitoring

Discover what compliance monitoring is, its significance to businesses, and strategies for its implementation.

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