With SafetyCulture you can
Create a SMART goal for your needs and growth with help from this template. Go through the elements of SMART to ensure you will be creating realistic goals to reach new heights.
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Free 1,000+ Workplace Checklists & Templates created by the SafetyCulture team.
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- Templateby SafetyCulture
General Gap Analysis Template
This general gap analysis template converted using SafetyCulture can be used to evaluate the employee's current performance and identify target goals. Assess the areas for improvement and create action plans on how to achieve these goals. With SafetyCulture's action feature you can easily assign corrective actions to the evaluated employee or other team members. Set the priority level to close the gap and include target dates.
Downloads: 786Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Working at Heights Inspection
This template is used to ensure safety and reduce fall hazards when working at heights. Begin by recording the nature of work, identifying activities associated with working at heights and creating worker's profile. Next determine potential risks like falling, slipping or tripping. Then proceed with evaluating controls like training, planning and proper use of fall protection systems and equipment. Lastly, provide recommendations to improve safety.
Downloads: 5,557Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Face Mask Inspection Checklist
Use this face mask inspection checklist to help ensure that respiratory equipment are in good working condition. This respiratory equipment inspection template uses smart logic to prompt action as appropriate.
Downloads: 119Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
General Safety Meeting Sign In Sheet
Keep track of your employees' attendance to safety meetings with a smart sign in sheet. Easily template this sheet and reproduce and edit it for multiple uses as needed. At the end of each safety meeting, you can export your sign in sheets or store them in the cloud for seamless recordkeeping.
Downloads: 33Get