Use this hazard report form to: - Keep track of when and where the hazard was reported - Describe the hazard using text, images, and annotations - Determine the seriousness of the injury and the medical attention required - Create a corrective action plan to minimize hazard risk - Implement control measures for accident prevention
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- Templateby SafetyCulture
Incident / Hazard Report Form
Use this hazard report form to: - Identify the incident / hazard type and the level of treatment needed - Record who was injured, their contact number, and the nature of the injury - Document the task/s performed when the incident / injury occurred - Check which factors contributed to the hazard, incident, and/or injury - Specify the control type when creating corrective actions
Downloads: 98Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Basic Hazard Identification Template
Use this basic hazard identification template to perform general hazard assessments. Safety officers can also use this template during walkthroughs to easily document potential hazards in the facility. Maximize the use of this template by following these points: 1) Identify potential hazards, provide a description, and determine the risk rating depending on the hazard's severity, 2) Take or attach a photo of the hazard (if possible), 3) Add notes or comments where necessary, 4) Assign corrective actions to appropriate personnel, set priority level, and indicate the due date, and 5) Provide additional comments and sign off with a digital signature
Downloads: 452Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Incident Report Form
Document and attach photos for injury/ illness, near miss, property damage, hazard, risk.
Downloads: 3,912Get - Templateby SafetyCulture
Hazard Identification Form - WorkSafe NZ
Use this form to record hazards.
Downloads: 202Get