Free Privacy Impact Assessment Templates

Effectively conduct privacy impact assessments for your organization to assess and address privacy concerns using intuitive and straightforward privacy impact assessment templates.

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What is a Privacy Impact Assessment Template?

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) template is a document or tool that helps organizations create effective PIA programs to identify, understand, assess, and address the potential privacy implications of their operational activities. Also, it’s designed to ensure that the appropriate steps organizations must take to protect the privacy of individuals are well-accounted for.

A privacy impact assessment template also helps businesses ensure their compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. It can be used to assess the privacy risks associated with various business operations, including the collection, use, storage, and disclosure of personal information.


Privacy impact assessments come in a variety of forms, depending on the type of data being collected and the purpose of the assessment. In the same way, PIA templates can be general or specific in nature to reflect the unique needs of an organization.

General ones are used to assess the overall privacy risks associated with a particular system or process. These assessments are typically conducted at the beginning of a project and designed to identify any potential privacy risks that may arise.

Specific PIAs, on the other hand, are used to assess privacy risks on a particular set or type of data. These assessments are typically conducted after a system or process has been implemented and are designed to identify any potential privacy risks that may arise from the collection, use, or disclosure of the data. Specific PIAs are often used to assess the privacy risks associated with the use of new technologies or the introduction of new data sources.

Benefits of Using One

Now, a privacy impact assessment checklist is a valuable tool for organizations to ensure that their data collection and processing activities are compliant with applicable privacy laws and regulations. The benefits of using it include the following:

  • Helps organizations identify and assess the potential privacy risks associated with their data collection and processing activities, allowing them to mitigate such
  • Aids in developing and implementing effective privacy policies and procedures to protect their customers’ personal data
  • Allows organizations to save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes and potential legal implications

What Must Be Included in a Privacy Impact Assessment Template?

While acknowledging the fact that various organizations have unique operational activities and data privacy measures, a privacy impact assessment template must include these basic details and sections:

  • Project or system information, including the title, description, and purpose
  • Sources, nature, scope, and attributes of the data being collected in the system
  • Data access and sharing practices
  • Notice to individuals for data use consent
  • Privacy analysis
  • Completion page for additional notes and sign-off

FAQs About Privacy Impact Assessment Templates

Ideally, those who are part of an organization’s data governance team (consisting of information system stakeholders), along with other departments and team members such as the legal counsel, record managers, and system security staff, must complete a PIA.

According to the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the following are examples of the goals of a PIA:

  • Ensure and maintain conformance with relevant legal and regulatory privacy requirements
  • Identify risks and effects of privacy implications
  • Assess protection measures and backup systems in mitigating privacy risks

One of the risks associated with improperly using a privacy impact assessment template is the potential for data breaches. If the template isn’t securely stored and maintained, it can lead to a lack of security and an increased potential for data to be accessed by unauthorized individuals.

Another risk is the potential for data misuse. Inefficient and inaccurate template access can lead to data being used for purposes other than those intended. This can include the use of data for marketing or other commercial purposes, or the use of data for malicious purposes.

Patricia Guevara
Article by

Patricia Guevara

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Patricia Guevara is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. With her extensive content writing and copywriting experience, she creates high-quality content across a variety of relevant topics. She aims to promote workplace safety, operational excellence, and continuous improvement in her articles. She is passionate about communicating how technology can be used to streamline work processes, empowering companies to realize their business goals.

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Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) Template
Use this DPIA template when identifying the need for a DPIA. Describe the type of data processing involved, explain the context, nature, scope, and purposes of the processing, mention the sources of risks and nature of the potential impact on individuals, and identify measures to reduce them, among others.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance Checklist
This free GDPR compliance checklist provides control measures to ensure GDPR compliance across the organization, such as providing clear details about data processing, creating an internal policy for team members for data protection awareness, and having a DPIA scheduled and a process in place to carry it out, to name a few.