A Guide to Risk Reduction

There are some risks you can’t eliminate, no matter what you do. This is why organizations need to apply risk reduction techniques to their operations. Below, learn what risk reduction is, why it’s important to your business, and how you can apply risk reduction strategies in your operations.

four business people talking about risk reduction strategies for the organization

What is Risk Reduction?

Risk reduction refers to different processes, controls, and measures in place that are designed to reduce the risk that organizations and workers face on a regular basis. The process involves identifying and assessing risks while also implementing various measures and processes aimed to reduce them. Companies regularly perform risk reduction to minimize the harm and adverse impact that they may face because of these risks, which is why it’s important for organizations to practice it.


Risk is an inherent part of operating a business. Regardless of your industry, target market, and personnel, you will always face a certain level of risk while operating. This is why it’s important for managers to find ways to reduce the amount of risk they face on a regular basis. That way, there’s a much smaller chance of risks causing financial or adverse harm to an organization, which is pretty common when you don’t have measures in place to reduce risk levels.

There are many strategies and approaches organizations use to deal with risks. Some approaches deal with eliminating risks, while others are geared towards mitigating and reducting them. This is because you can’t eliminate all risks, no matter how careful and well thought out your operations are. So, the best organizations can do is minimize and reduce certain risks, which is why risk reduction practices are crucial for safe and efficient operations.

Approaches to Risk Reduction

There are many ways to approach risk reduction. Each organization has their own methodology that’s tailored towards the specific risks and qualities of their industry. It’s best to ensure that your approach to risk reduction fits your company and its operations. So, let’s talk about some of the different approaches to risk reduction to make it easier to determine the best fit for your company.

Risk Assessment & Identification

The first step in reducing risks is identifying and assessing the risk your company faces throughout operations. So, make sure to take the time to conduct risk audits and inspections to determine your risks and then assess the risks and rank them based on severity or urgency.

Risk Mitigation

Once you’ve identified the different risks you can now find ways to minimize or reduce the risks. Again, it’s best to tailor your risk mitigation strategy according to the needs of your company or organization. These practices should be designed to minimize and reduce the risk that the company and the workers face throughout operations.

Preventive Measures

Additionally, you can look for preventive measures that you can put in place to keep workers safe during operations. It takes a comprehensive approach if you’re looking to reduce risks and keep your operations as safe and efficient as possible. So, make sure that you have preventive measures in place to protect workers and the company.

Contingency Planning

There will be times that you encounter problems and issues with your operations, regardless of how many risk reduction and mitigation controls are in place. That’s why risk reduction should include contingency planning, which gives you a blueprint to follow in the event of an emergency. That way, you aren’t running around without any direction trying to solve a problem.

Monitoring & Review

It’s important to monitor your risk reduction approaches and practices to ensure that they work. That way, you can find potential problem areas or areas of improvement. When you do this, you continously improve your operations while reducing risk.

Risk Reduction vs Other Risk Management Strategies

Here’s how risk reduction compares to other risk management strategies.

Risk Reduction vs Transference

While risk reduction involves reducing and minimizing risks, risk transference involves transferring the risk to another party. That way, the potential financial loss and consequences of certain risks isn’t just on your company’s shoulders. 

Risk Reduction vs Risk Elimination

There are some risks that you can eliminate completely. While this doesn’t apply to all risks, you can apply some controls and measures for other risks that your organization faces to eliminate them completely. That’s what you call risk elimination and this practice works very well alongside risk reduction.

Leon Altomonte
Article by
Leon Altomonte
SafetyCulture Content Contributor
Leon Altomonte is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. With his language degree and years of experience in content writing, he delivers well-researched, informative articles about safety, quality, and operational excellence. In addition to his professional pursuits, Leon maintains a creative outlet as a performing musician.