8 Best Building Management Software of 2024

workers using a building management software on their device

Why use SafetyCulture?

SafetyCulture helps building managers stay on top of their tasks and responsibilities by providing a user-friendly, cloud-based platform for managing everything from building and facility management, inspections, and maintenance to reporting and compliance. With SafetyCulture, you can ensure that your building is always up to code and that the safety of its occupants is never compromised.

Key Features:

  • Track the performance of different building systems, including Heating, Ventilation, and Airconditioning (HVAC), fire safety, indoor air quality, temperature, and more by integrating sensors and monitoring devices.
  • Detect potential hazards or maintenance requirements through routine evaluations and inspections using pre-existing checklists or your own.
  • Ensure team members are informed in real-time and efficiently distribute action plans, building codes, and regulatory updates through Heads Up.
  • Monitor the progress of daily, monthly, quarterly, or yearly inspections and maintenance activities using tailored dashboards and reports.
  • Create comprehensive reports, including photos, videos, and geo-tagging for audits and compliance verification.

Why use Facilio? 

Facilio helps property owners and operators simplify portfolio operations for better control and visibility. Unlike typical Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) software, Facilio’s platform combines various facility operations, such as stakeholder involvement, asset maintenance, vendor management, workflow automation, and more.


  • Maintenance management
  • Service management
  • Vendor management

Why use Infraspeak? 

Infraspeak empowers users to craft tailored maintenance management solutions by merging various in-house apps with state-of-the-art integrations. This synergy results in a holistic platform that helps you tackle the unique challenges of your operations.


  • Reactive maintenance
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Real-time reports

Why use Maxpanda? 

Maxpanda is a cloud-based CMMS that provides integrated asset management, inventory management, and preventive maintenance tools. Property managers and facility directors can track assets in real-time.


  • Advanced reporting
  • Inventory management
  • Work order management

Why use BigChange? 

BigChange offers a suite of solutions tailored to every aspect of building management. The platform caters to various needs, from facilities maintenance to utilities management. Businesses can enhance their capacity to manage tasks, from regular maintenance to immediate repairs, thereby optimizing building management processes for efficiency and effectiveness.


  • Workforce scheduling
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Alerts and notifications

Why use Maintimizer? 

MaintiMizer is a software that incorporates Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) capabilities. The platform provides six modules dedicated to maintenance activities, each conveniently accessible through dashboards for centralized information management. These modules cover work order management, inventory tracking, vendor and purchase order handling, preventive maintenance, and timecard tracking.


  • Equipment management
  • Asset management
  • Reporting and data trends

Why use Fergus? 

Fergus simplifies team, job, and project management for builders, building owners, contractors, and engineers. It allows you to easily oversee, track, and coordinate every job and effortlessly align with team members and clients on building management tasks.


  • Third-party integrations
  • Reporting
  • Job tracking

Why use Brightly? 

Brightly simplifies operations and facility maintenance through its work and asset management platform. It helps organizations manage budgets more efficiently, cut maintenance expenses, and stay compliant. With Brightly, employees can concentrate on providing excellent care and resident experiences while upholding health and safety standards.


  • Maintenance planning
  • Reporting and dashboards
  • Materials management

What is Building Management Software?

Building management software is a technology solution that helps property managers and building owners efficiently manage and maintain their properties. This software typically includes maintenance tracking, work order management, tenant communication tools, energy management tools, and financial management capabilities.

By centralizing all property management tasks into one platform, building management software helps streamline operations, improve communication, and increase overall efficiency in managing a building or property. This software is essential for property managers looking to optimize their workflows and provide a better experience for tenants.


There are numerous benefits to using building management software, including:

  • Streamlined maintenance management – Building management software enables property managers to efficiently monitor maintenance tasks and work orders within a unified system. It ensures they can adhere to routine maintenance schedules, promptly address tenant requests, and prevent expensive delays or repairs.
  • Improved communication – The platform typically contains tools for communicating with tenants, like messaging and announcement features. These features let property managers instantly share important updates or notices with tenants, replacing manual communication methods.
  • Increased efficiency – By centralizing all tasks and data related to building management into one platform, property managers can save time and effort on administrative tasks. This allows them to focus their energy on more important tasks and overall property improvement.
  • Better energy management – Some building management software also includes features that allow property managers to monitor and optimize energy usage in their buildings through sensors. Property managers can make adjustments to reduce costs and improve sustainability by identifying areas of high energy consumption.
  • Scalability – Building management software is highly scalable, meaning it can accommodate the needs of properties of all sizes, from small residential buildings to large commercial complexes. As properties grow and evolve, this software can adapt and continue to support efficient operations.

Key Features

Building management software typically includes the following features:

Choosing the Best Building Management Software

Choosing the optimal building management software can be challenging. The table below provides a concise comparison of building management software to aid decision-making, detailing free versions, pricing, and mobile app accessibility:

Building Management Software Free Version Paid Plan Mobile App
SafetyCulture Yes $24/user/month* Yes
Facilio None Custom pricing Yes
Infraspeak None Custom pricing Yes
Maxpanda None Custom pricing Yes
BigChange None £79.95 (~$102/user/month) Yes
Maintimizer None Custom pricing Yes
Fergus None $60/user/month Yes
Brightly None Custom pricing Yes

* billed annually

Rob Paredes
Article by
Rob Paredes
SafetyCulture Content Contributor
Rob Paredes is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. Before joining SafetyCulture, he worked as a financial advisor, a freelance copywriter, and a Network Engineer for more than a decade. Rob's diverse professional background allows him to provide well-rounded, engaging content that can help businesses transform the way they work.