Chemical Safety Training

Learn all about chemical safety training, from what it is and its importance to some of the key components of a chemical safety training course.

What is Chemical Safety Training?

Chemical safety training is the methodical process of teaching employees the best ways to handle and store chemical products. It also includes tackling appropriate disposal methods, how to detect and address hazards, and even risk mitigation and management techniques. That way, employees have the knowledge and skills necessary to do their jobs effectively and safely.


Improper handling of chemicals and a lack of chemical safety knowledge can have major consequences for individuals and companies. To start, misuse or mishandling of chemical products can cause accidents and spills. When dealing with stronger or more dangerous chemicals, this is a major hazard. That’s why organizations that handle these products must have a comprehensive chemical safety training course for their employees to get them up to speed with the best safety practices to avoid any costly and dangerous accidents.

On top of that, conducting chemical safety training ensures that everyone is on the same page. This allows for a smoother workflow with fewer roadblocks getting in the way of your overall operations. This is why any organization that handles chemicals or chemical products should conduct chemical safety training for their team.

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What to Include in Chemical Safety Training Course

It’s best for companies to create chemical safety training courses that tackle specific chemicals, problems, and machinery that their employees work with. That way, they can rest assured that everyone on the team is familiar with the best safety practices and how to avoid risky situations.

Generally, chemical safety training courses must include these key components:

Hazard Identification and Classification

To start, you must teach employees how to identify and classify different chemical hazards, as understanding the properties and potential risks associated with chemicals is essential for creating a safe working environment. So, include information about chemical labeling, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), and hazard communication standards.

Risk Assessment & Management

Before conducting any task, employees must understand how to conduct a thorough risk assessment, a systematic process of analyzing a situation and determining the risks they may face during the task. In the context of chemical risk assessments, employees must be trained to identify and handle safety issues or threats they may encounter while at work. To ensure that employees face minimum risks, it’s also best to include training sessions on how to manage, handle, and mitigate them effectively.

Proper Handling and Storage

A major part of chemical safety training should be the proper handling and storage of chemical products and equipment. This includes using appropriate containers, segregating incompatible substances, and implementing proper labeling. Additionally, it must include best practices for maintaining a well-ventilated area and ensuring that all emergency tools like showers and eye washes are readily accessible.

Emergency Response

Employees must know how to perform emergency response procedures in the event of a chemical spill, leak, or exposure. This should cover evacuation protocols, first aid measures, and the use of emergency response equipment. Aside from these, it’s also helpful to conduct regular drills on how to act in an emergency to ensure everyone is prepared.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Lastly, there should be dedicated PPE training for all staff members. They must understand all the PPE that your company uses, when to use them, and why the equipment is crucial to safe operations. That way, everyone always uses the appropriate PPE, creating a safer working environment.

Why Organizations Need a Dedicated Training Platform for Chemical Safety

A dedicated training platform like SafetyCulture (formerly iAuditor) Training helps companies ensure the well-being of their employees and comply with stringent regulatory standards. Since chemical safety training may be complex, having a digital platform where you can create courses, track trainee progress, and generate reports about the entire course improves the way you implement skill-building efforts in the workplace. These help ensure that training is conducted properly and the trainers leave no stone unturned.

While adopting a training platform means learning and deploying a new tool, the time and effort it saves in the long run is well worth it. On top of that, this tool is great for ensuring that your training efforts don’t get wasted and all employees are fully equipped for the field.

Leon Altomonte
Article by

Leon Altomonte

SafetyCulture Content Contributor
Leon Altomonte is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. With his language degree and years of experience in content writing, he delivers well-researched, informative articles about safety, quality, and operational excellence. In addition to his professional pursuits, Leon maintains a creative outlet as a performing musician.