Free NDIS Audit Checklist

Ensure compliance with Australian NDIS standards with a dedicated quality and operations audit checklist.

able-bodied and disabled workers using an ndis audit checklist to see if their processes are compliant with ndis standards

What is an NDIS Audit Checklist?

A National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) audit checklist is a document used by disability services and support providers in Australia to stay compliant with the practice standards set by the government. It lists the quality standards to follow and the other requirements to comply with for a support provider and its workers to continue their service.

Importance and Benefits

The Australian government created the NDIS to efficiently provide support and funding to individuals with permanent and significant disabilities. Regulated by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), NDIS aims to enhance the quality of life for these individuals by offering tailored support packages that help them achieve greater independence, participate in their communities, and access necessary services.

To ensure disabled individuals get the best care, NDIS providers must adhere to the set standards set by the government. For this reason, using an NDIS audit checklist helps these providers and their workers systematically review their compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards, making sure that all necessary documentation and practices are in place. This is crucial because passing an audit is mandatory for maintaining registration and continuing to provide services to participants.

Relatedly, using an NDIS audit checklist ensures quality assurance within the organization, as it encourages regular and standardized reviews of policies and procedures, staff training, and risk management strategies, which are vital for delivering high-quality services to participants. This ongoing commitment to quality not only aids in passing audits but also improves overall service.

An NDIS audit checklist, particularly a digital one, also serves as a diagnostic tool, helping organizations identify gaps in their processes and areas needing improvement. By reviewing compliance data and operational practices, providers can enhance their service delivery and address potential issues before they become significant problems.

What to Include in an NDIS Audit Checklist

An NDIS audit is typically done internally first, then externally once all possible issues have been addressed. Different service providers will have different requirements to fulfill to stay compliant with NDIS regulations depending on their size, goals, and clientele. However, all organizations seeking NDIS approval and certification will need to conduct quality audits to evaluate their compliance with NDIS Practice Standards.

A general NDIS audit checklist that aims to comply with these regulations should include fields for the following:

  • Internal evaluator name
  • Purpose of audit
  • Questions assessing compliance with pre-audit proper requirements, such as the following:
    • Have managers and workers reviewed the NDIS standards on their own time?
    • Have all work documents and reports been properly documented and stored?
    • Are staff and workers properly trained in compliance with NDIS standards?
    • Have potential risks to workers and clients been properly identified and mitigated?
    • Is there a clear continuous improvement plan available to all?
  • Questions regarding compliance with documentation requirements, such as the following:
    • Are client data records, incident reports, and change logs properly maintained and stored?
    • Are complaints properly stored and referred to when needed?
    • Are policies and procedures regarding service delivery, worker conduct, safety protocols, and transactions properly documented?
  • Questions to evaluate the work environment of disability services and support providers, such as the following:
    • Does the provider’s workplace premises meet the safety and accessibility standards set by NDIS?
    • Are the equipment used by disability services providers properly and regularly maintained?
    • Are there proper lone worker safety practices in place?
  • Questions to assess preparedness during NDIS audit day, such as the following:
    • Are all workers aware of how the NDIS audit will proceed?
    • Is there a dedicated point of contact or liaison to facilitate communication between external auditors and the organization?
    • Are all necessary documents stored in a location that can be easily accessed to show evaluators?
  • Next step of action, such as the need for verification or certification audit
  • Comments and suggestions
  • Sign off

Not only do these questions helps ensure compliance with NDIS standards, but these also help in identifying gaps to address and improve as well. Here is a sample NDIS audit checklist in use for reference:

Using an NDIS audit checklist also helps ensure the safety of both clients and workers or fellow service providers. It helps in maintaining the implementation of safety measures for lone workers and distant service providers, making sure that all employees are accounted for anytime and anywhere. In turn, this document also helps manage client safety, as it also considers that all premises are safe and compliant with local health and accessibility standards for all.

FAQs about NDIS Audit Checklists

Employers, managers, safety officers, and other board-level employees must be involved in managing and using the NDIS audit checklist. Complying with NDIS standards is an organization-wide effort, requiring all members of a company or team to be aware of NDIS requirements and certification processes.

In addition to a quality safety audit, companies seeking to be recognized by NDIS must also conduct a Verification or Certification audit, depending on the service and support they provide. An organization or provider that offers simple to low-complexity disability services and support will be required to do a Verification audit, while those who offer more complex or high risk services will need to accomplish a Certification audit.

NDIS audits should be done every three years, as this is the length of validity of their permits. However, for those who offer complex or high-risk services, they need to conduct mid-term audits on the 18-month mark of their permit as part of their requirements to operate.

Roselin Manawis
Article by

Roselin Manawis

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Roselin Manawis is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. She has experience in news writing and content marketing across different fields of discipline. Her background in Communication Arts enables her to leverage multimedia and improve the quality of her work. She also contributed as a research assistant for an international study and as a co-author for two books in 2020. With her informative articles, she aims to ignite digital transformation in workplaces around the world.

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