7 Best AI Form Builders of 2024

workers using an ai form builder on a computer

Why use SafetyCulture?

SafetyCulture harnesses the power of AI and allows you to generate checklists and forms in minutes. All you have to do is input a prompt, and the platform will do the rest. Instead of spending all your time manually typing out everything on the checklists, you can focus your efforts on other aspects of the job and let SafetyCulture do the work for you. On top of that, you can edit forms, generate reports after using the checklists, and even add media attachments to your reports for more transparency.


  • Save time by generating checklists in minutes by typing a prompt and watching the platform create the form for you.
  • Tweak the checklists and forms to your liking by adding new items, fonts, or colors to match the company branding.
  • Ensure that everyone’s on the same page by sharing reports that you can generate on the platform after conducting an inspection.
  • Increase transparency by adding media attachments like photos and videos to your reports.
  • Seamlessly integrate the form builder with other platforms that you may use in your operations for a smoother workflow.

Why use BlockSurvey?

BlockSurvey is designed to bring a brand new approach to creating forms and checklists through AI.  Its intuitive interface empowers users to design forms effortlessly, while AI-driven encryption ensures data security.


  • AI-driven encryption for data security
  • Privacy-focused form creation and response collection
  • Blockchain-based authentication for data integrity

Why use Landingi?

Landingi is a low-code platform designed to be easy to use, making it a great option for first-time AI users looking to get used to the new technology. Their AI-powered editor suggests design improvements and optimizations, resulting in engaging forms that drive conversions.


  • AI-powered design suggestions for high-converting forms
  • Integration with popular marketing tools for seamless workflow
  • A/B testing functionality for optimizing form performance

Why use Fillout?

Fillout allows you to create any type of form in minutes by simply typing in prompts and having the AI do the heavy lifting for you. Users can create dynamic and interactive forms effortlessly, catering to various needs without the hassle of manual design.


  • Conditional logic for dynamic form behavior
  • Seamless integration with third-party apps and platforms
  • Real-time collaboration for team-based form creation

Why use involve.me?

involve.me is a platform designed for businesses to gather data easily by generating high-quality AI forms that collect all the information you need. On top of that, the platform features AI-powered personalization, allowing you to dynamically adjust form content based on user responses, enhancing user engagement and conversion.


  • Drag-and-drop editor for easy form creation
  • Integration with marketing automation tools for lead nurturing
  • Analytics dashboard for tracking form performance

Why use Google Forms?

Google Forms has always been a popular tool for people looking for a strong platform for building detailed but basic forms in minutes. This integrates with other AI platforms so you can create your checklists and other data collection tools by sending simple prompts.


  • Easy-to-use interface for quick form creation
  • Integration with Google Sheets for automatic data collection
  • Collaboration features for real-time editing with team members

Why use formsflow.ai?

formsflow.ai stands out with its AI-driven data extraction capabilities, allowing users to extract and process information from form submissions effortlessly. This makes it particularly useful for businesses dealing with large volumes of form data, streamlining their workflow and improving efficiency.


  • AI-powered data extraction for efficient form processing
  • Integration with workflow automation tools for seamless data management
  • Customizable form templates for various industries

What is an AI Form Builder?

AI form builders are digital programs that use artificial intelligence to generate forms and data-gathering tools using prompts. These platforms are also used to analyze data and improve existing forms. Harnessing the power of AI algorithms, these help simplify form creation, improve user experience, and enhance data accuracy.

Importance and Benefits

AI technology is growing quickly, and it’s important for modern businesses to keep up with the change to avoid being left behind by their industry. As more businesses adopt AI in their operations, it becomes more important for companies to catch up. Here are a few benefits you can expect from using AI form builders and why many people recommend making the switch:

Faster Form Creation

AI form builders are designed to create forms that collect all the data you need using a single prompt. Instead of spending hours trying to research what to put in the form, employees can simply type in a prompt and have the form created in just a few minutes.

Enhanced User Experience

A faster form creation experience improves and streamlines operations. These tools provide intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces and customizable templates, making it easy for users to interact with forms. This way, workers don’t struggle with different programs when creating their forms.

More Accuracy

AI algorithms help identify and correct errors in real time, ensuring data accuracy and reliability. This prevents errors that can typically cause delays and downtime and damage the company.

Data Analysis

AI-powered analytics tools offer valuable insights into form submission trends, user behavior, and conversion rates, enabling informed decision-making.

Key Features

Different platforms come with their own unique features, and it’s important to choose platforms with features that directly serve the needs of your company. However, there are also certain features that you need in AI form builders, which include the following:

  • Advanced form customization
  • Conditional logic
  • Data encryption
  • Multi-device compatibility
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Automated notifications

Choosing the Right Software

With all the options available, it’s hard to choose the best AI form builder for your company. It’s crucial that companies focus on finding platforms that work for their specific needs and fit their preferences.

To make things easier, here’s a quick breakdown of the platforms featured above:

AI Form Builder Free Version Paid Plan Mobile App
SafetyCulture Yes $24/user/month* Yes
BlockSurvey No $24/month* Yes
Landingi No $29/month No
Fillout Yes $15/month* No
involve.me Yes Starts at $29/month No
Google Forms Yes Yes No
formsflow.ai Yes $295/month Yes

* billed annually

Leon Altomonte
Article by
Leon Altomonte
SafetyCulture Content Contributor
Leon Altomonte is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. With his language degree and years of experience in content writing, he delivers well-researched, informative articles about safety, quality, and operational excellence. In addition to his professional pursuits, Leon maintains a creative outlet as a performing musician.