A Guide to Understanding Workplace Culture

Learn about workplace culture and how you can improve your organization’s initiatives in promoting it by using valuable strategies.

What is Workplace Culture?

Workplace culture is a broad term encompassing the shared values, attitudes, behaviors, and ideals that characterize an organization. It may also refer to the social dynamics present in a workplace environment and other influences that affect how employees perform and interact with one another. By fostering a good workplace culture, organizations can drive productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success.


Having a strong and positive workplace culture is crucial as it serves as a foundation to drive business success. When employees feel valued and respected, they are motivated to be engaged with their work and are more likely to remain loyal to an organization. This increases morale within the workplace while encouraging open communication that reduces stress and burnout.

In line with this, research on the impact of work culture on employee performance revealed that a comfortable environment yields better overall performance. Employees who are empowered in their work are able to unlock the full potential of their skills, leading to higher productivity rates and long-term business success.

As such, business leaders should implement effective strategies that can create a happy and productive work culture.

How to Create a Positive Workplace Culture

Considering how a healthy working environment is crucial for success, business leaders need to implement the right strategies to ensure their employees are supported and given the proper resources to thrive in the workplace.

Key strategies for creating a positive workplace culture

More and more organizations are beginning to recognize the different ways they can improve their work environment, starting with these key strategies:

Define Clear Culture Goals 

To support an organization’s intended goal of achieving a better workplace culture, it’s vital to loop in all employees and other relevant stakeholders. This means defining the values, behaviors, dynamics, and routines that best support the kind of workplace being ideated.

Having clear goals also helps employees become more connected to their organization since they have a better understanding of the atmosphere at work and can immerse themselves better. This can result in better work performance and employee engagement, which are vital elements for business success.

Practice Transparent and Open Communication 

Cultivating a positive work environment also relies on open communication founded on trust, collaboration, and mutual respect. This is a facet of speak-up culture, wherein employees feel safe and confident to raise concerns without fear of encountering verbal aggression or condescension from their peers or superiors. When employees are able to express their concerns openly, their feedback contributes to continuous improvement within the organization, leading to success.

Additionally, prioritizing open communication creates stronger relationships within the workplace since everyone feels heard, supported, and empowered to contribute their ideas. Organizations should have communication channels such as email updates or a dedicated digital platform where employees can easily raise concerns or feedback.

Provide Diversity and Inclusivity Initiatives 

A study conducted by Pew Research showed that 56% of US adults perceive diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts to be a good addition to the workplace. Having diversity and inclusion in a work environment should be a priority since it cultivates a culture of safety and ensures employees are empowered in their work, regardless of their background.

This contributes to a positive workplace culture, as everyone can thrive personally and professionally, which drives organizational success and excellence. As such, organizations should effectively implement DEI initiatives. Examples of these include:

  • diverse hiring and recruitment practices;
  • DEI sensitivity training, mentoring programs; and
  • employee resource groups to support different needs in the workplace.

Encourage Employee Recognition and Appreciation 

Recognizing and appreciating employees for their contributions, efforts, and achievements reinforces their importance within the organization. In doing so, employees find value in their work and feel inspired to contribute their best efforts in their roles. Furthermore, proper recognition encourages employee engagement, a crucial factor in enhancing organizational growth and success.

With this, it’s important for organizations to have formal recognition programs to celebrate employee achievements or frequent peer-to-peer acknowledgment through digital communication channels. Business leaders can also show simple gestures of appreciation through team dinners or give bonus incentives that strengthen employee motivation.

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Measuring Culture in the Workplace

There are different approaches to gaining insight into the state of workplace culture, including the following:

Performance Metrics

Setting quality metrics helps assess how well the workplace culture supports employees and overall organizational goals. These metrics fit a broad range of assessments to ensure the quality of performance and different processes. A quality metric primarily relies on data collection to address issues and monitor specific areas such as the outcome, process, compliance, and employee satisfaction.


Interviews are a qualitative method for gathering information and measuring culture in the workplace. One-on-one interviews can be conducted between employees, managers, and leaders to gain deeper insight into the state of workplace culture. These can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through video conferencing.

Focus Groups

Focus groups are similar to interviews but engage in dialogue through a small group of employees and other relevant stakeholders. With a focus group, it is easier to recognize common themes and prevalent issues that affect the workplace atmosphere. Additionally, it can encourage more openness because employees feel supported in raising their concerns within a small group.


Work environment surveys are another method to measure workplace culture. Surveys provide quantitative information that can be studied and compared over time. These can be done online, through email, or in paper form.

Additionally, surveys often include questions that can gauge employee satisfaction and motivation while providing a space for comments regarding the implementation of certain workplace policies. Another example is an employee engagement survey.

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Role of Business Leaders in Promoting a Good Workplace

Business leaders and team managers play a pivotal role in creating a good workplace culture. They help set the tone, exhibit model behavior, and champion key values that contribute to providing a safe and inclusive workplace.

Besides implementing organizational strategies, they should also advocate for the well-being and growth of their employees and recognize when they need to meet them halfway to address concerns. Business leaders should also be open to feedback and put in the effort to mediate issues being raised to support the overall safety and success of the organization.

FAQs about Workplace Culture

A good workplace culture essentially puts a strong emphasis on creating a positive and motivating professional atmosphere where employees are able to thrive. It is also an environment where employees feel valued and respected since a healthy work culture encourages transparency and fairness across the board. These are further encouraged by diversity and inclusion initiatives that ensure employees feel safe and supported.

Employees can gauge the culture in their workplace by going through company policies and practices, observing interactions among colleagues and/or senior members, and inquiring about opportunities for growth and development. Additionally, they can seek feedback from peers or previous employees to see if the overall culture aligns with their own values and goals. 

According to Harvard Business Review, some critical workplace challenges include poor quality of leadership, lack of inclusivity, and preserving positive employee health and well-being. Furthermore, the following also pose significant challenges in creating a healthy work environment:

  • Poor communication
  • Overly controlling management styles
  • Lack of work-life balance
  • Resistance to change 

Feedback mechanisms and culture surveys help identify areas for improvement since these frameworks collect data from employee perceptions and experiences. Based on the responses garnered from surveys, it is easier for organizations to pinpoint specific concerns and challenges, then work to develop strategies that target the problems raised.

Gabrielle Cayabyab
Article by
Gabrielle Cayabyab
SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Gabrielle Cayabyab is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture. Her academic background in Creative Writing and extensive experience with writing for various types of content allows her to create high-quality articles for a broad range of topics. As a content specialist, her primary goal is to produce timely and purposeful material that advocates for workplace safety and ultimately helps businesses find opportunities to strengthen their operations.