Understanding Risk Transference

Learn about what risk transference is, why it’s important, and how it can be implemented in your organization.

construction managers discuss risk transference methods in the field

What is Risk Transference?

As the name suggests, risk transference is a risk management method that involves transferring your organization’s risk to another party. This is done to minimize the consequences and potential losses when companies run into issues and trouble while easing the burden of the uncertainties that the company may face. 

The entire practice of risk transference involves shifting the responsibility and financial consequences from your organization to another party. Oftentimes, the party accepting the risk for your company does so via a contract or insurance policy. That way, organizations can mitigate potential financial losses and protect their operations, assets, and reputation. 


Organizations face numerous risks on a daily basis. While there are many controls and practices managers can implement to eliminate and mitigate certain risks, other risks are more constant, no matter what you do. While organizations can choose to shoulder all of these uncontrollable risks, transferring the risk and potential financial loss to another party can make a huge difference.

To start, it can help safeguard the company in the event of an emergency. Certain risks can cost your organization a lot if they come to fruition. However, if you’ve transferred some of the burden to another party, your organization will suffer a much smaller blow.

On top of that, this risk management approach gives managers peace of mind. Constantly thinking about all these new risks you’re facing can take a major toll on productivity. When you transfer some of the risks, your team has much less to think about, allowing you to put your effort into other activities that may be important.

Methods of Risk Transference

Risk transference can refer to various practitioners. This is because there are many ways for organizations to transfer the risk and potential financial loss to other parties. So, it’s important for the team to find a risk transference method that works for your organization and satisfies your unique needs. So, here are a few of the common methods of risk transference that you may want to try in your organization.


The first and arguably most popular method of risk transference for organizations is taking out a comprehensive insurance policy for the company. Organizations may purchase insurance policies from different providers to give themselves some cover during emergencies. That way, there is someone to shoulder part or all of the financial loss if certain risks happen. Examples of policies for risk transfer include general liability, business interruption, and professional indemnity insurance.


Another way to give the organization another protection layer through risk transference is by entering into contracts with suppliers, contractors, and other third parties, stating that both parties share a certain level of risk. These contracts can ensure certain liabilities, responsibilities, and risks are shifted to another party so that the organization doesn’t have to shoulder them. 

Joint Ventures

Collaboration and joint ventures with other organizations can alleviate and transfer some of the risks that organizations face throughout their operations. These ventures enable organizations to share resources, expertise, and responsibility while evenly distributing the risk between both parties.


Outsourcing is another great way to transfer the risk and lighten the load on your organization’s shoulders. This is a practice that involves other professionals and contractors to take on certain tasks for you. This could be during the production, packing, or even delivery process. That way, your company isn’t directly liable for those operations, meaning that you face much fewer risks when operating.


Subcontracting is similar to outsourcing, wherein organizations delegate specific tasks or processes to another company. Through this method of risk transference, the main organization transfers a small amount of risk or a portion of the project’s risk to the subcontractor, who will be in charge of handling various activities.

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Leon Altomonte
Article by

Leon Altomonte

SafetyCulture Content Contributor
Leon Altomonte is a content contributor for SafetyCulture. With his language degree and years of experience in content writing, he delivers well-researched, informative articles about safety, quality, and operational excellence. In addition to his professional pursuits, Leon maintains a creative outlet as a performing musician.