What is an EPA Report?
An EPA report is a document used to assess organizational compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations in protecting the environment and human health. It helps validate the business processes and methods used for their waste management systems. It also helps the organizations to assess their businesses if it violates environmental laws and waste management regulatory standards.
Importance of EPA Report
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is essential to regulate the manufacturing, processing, distribution, and use of chemicals and other pollutants. They set forth the guidelines of safe tolerance levels for chemicals and other pollutants in food, animal feed, and water. An EPA report can help organizations to assess the needs in protecting public health and safety; promote environmental hygiene; and review if there are violations against EPA regulations.
Environmental Protection Agency Violations
Performing EPA audits help businesses identify environmental compliance and management system implementation gaps. The gathered information from audits would help in mitigating the risks immediately to avoid environmental violations or penalties. Listed below are EPA violations that businesses should oversee to avoid a lawsuit, regulatory fines, or worse business shutdown.
Illegal disposal of hazardous waste
Hazardous waste has properties that could damage the environment and can cause diseases that would affect public health. This can be generated from different sources including industrial manufacturing process wastes, medical wastes, pollution, and harmful chemicals. Exporting hazardous waste disposal without the permission of the receiving country is illegal.
EPA recommends using the hazardous waste identification process to identify specific substances known to be hazardous and provides objective criteria for including other materials in the regulated hazardous waste universe. Proper handling and disposing of hazardous chemicals can reduce exposure to toxic materials.
Removal and disposal of regulated asbestos without following the work practice standards
Overexposure to asbestos can result in work-related deaths and illnesses. The removal and disposal of regulated asbestos-containing materials should follow the work practice standards to avoid violation of the Clean Air Act.
Illegal discharge of pollutants to water
Dumping untreated and contaminated wastewater directly to the sewer system is a violation of the Clean Water Act. Bypassing the facility wastewater treatment is a violation of the permit issued by the municipal sewer authority as this can cause harmful effects environmentally and to public health.
Illegal importation of certain restricted or regulated chemicals
Illegal disposal of highly-flammable and caustic waste into dumpsters at a local municipal landfill that is not authorized to receive hazardous waste is a violation of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). This action can cause accidents including fire, skin burns, and other chronic diseases.
Conducting EPA reports can help small businesses to assess their environmental status to eliminate or significantly reduce penalties. As the business can discover violations of environmental law and promptly disclose it to EPA for immediate rectifications.