Free Shipping Log Templates

Record and track multiple shipments with ease using free templates

What is a Shipping Log Template?

A shipping log template is a tool that employees in logistics use to record shipments and document shipping information. It allows them to track the status of customer orders as they are shipped via air, sea, or land transport. Shipping log templates can be used for freight, cargo, consignment, and other types of packages.

Benefits of Having a Shipping Log Template

Shipping logs are essential records for monitoring the movement of goods. They ensure that goods are shipped on time and can provide a paper trail in the event of a dispute. 

By using a shipping log template, you can not only track your shipments, but also help you save time and money and keep your records up-to-date, and troubleshoot any shipping issues. A shipping log template can also help you prepare for audits and stay compliant with shipping regulations. 

What to Include in a Shipping Log Template

There are many ways to create and maintain a shipping log template. Before anything else, think about the specific information you want to track when creating your shipping log.

After deciding the purpose of your shipping log, decide what type of information you want to track. This will help you customize your shipping log template to fit your needs. Then, get familiar with the template and enter your information. Finally, make sure to keep your shipping log up-to-date so you always have the most recent information at your fingertips.

Some details a shipping log template can be used to track are:

  • Date of the shipment
  • Carrier used
  • Package tracking number
  • Package weight
  • Shipping address

Common Formats

There are a variety of shipping log templates available, depending on the shipper’s needs.

One common format of shipping log templates is an Excel spreadsheet, as it can be easily customized to track the specifics of a shipment. Another type of template is a PDF form. This type of template is good for shipping items that do not need to be tracked on a specific schedule. 

There are also shipping log templates available in digital formats that can be exported to Excel and PDF files, and these can be found in modern digital checklists and auditing apps. These kinds of software allow users to track their shipments and create reports directly from the software. 

Shipping Manifest Template

A shipping manifest template is a document used by vessel operators to list the cargo being carried on a vessel. It typically includes the quantity, weight, and type of goods being transported as well as information on the consignor (the entity shipping the cargo) and the consignee (the entity to whom the cargo is shipped). 

This shipping or transport manifest template can be used for cargo and freight as a trucking manifest, road manifest, air manifest, or ocean manifest.

Packing Slip Template

Also known as a shipping or packing list template, a packing slip template is a list of all the items included in an order. It typically includes item specifications such as order quantity, ship quantity, weight, and item number or SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). Aside from product details, a packing slip template will also contain the recipient’s name, address, and phone number. 

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