Field Level Hazard Assessment Templates & PDF Reports

Identify and control job site hazards immediately with a digital FLHA forms

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What is a Field Level Hazard Assessment?

A field level hazard assessment (FLHA) is used by construction workers to identify and control hazards in designated work areas. Also known as field level risk assessment (FLRA), it empowers frontline workers to minimize health and safety risks at the onset through the “stop and think” process. FLHAs help develop the habit of task-hazard-control association and prevent deadly accidents such as the fatal four.

How to Perform a Field Level Hazard Assessment

A field level hazard assessment should be performed at the beginning of each shift and during task execution. The FLHA process can be expressed in the diagram below:

Stop-and-Think Principle for Field Level Hazard Assessment

Stop-and-Think Principle for Field Level Hazard Assessment

Look around & identify hazards

Before commencing tasks, a construction worker should be aware of the people, equipment and materials present in the work area. Stop and think, “What might cause an incident?” Take note of anything that could potentially harm people or damage property.

Example: electrical hazard – loose and uncovered extension cords

Control hazards

Upon hazard identification, a construction worker can already apply control measures to reduce health and safety risks. Stop and think, “What can I do to prevent it?” Working through a hierarchy of controls can be an effective method in determining how to control hazards.

Example: physically removed the hazard – organized and secured extension cords to the floor

Resume work

Once the hazards are controlled, the construction worker can begin accomplishing tasks. A field level hazard assessment is a continuous process that prompts frontline workers to stop and think, especially during task execution.

4 Crucial FLHA Situations

In a job site, even the slightest changes in work plans should be updated in real-time because unexpected situations may arise when overlooked. While carrying out tasks, construction workers should stop, think, then update the FLHA when:

  • There are significant changes in tasks (e.g. sudden change of work plans, unexpected characteristics of a task such as new configuration of equipment, etc.)
  • New tasks are given during the shift
  • New workers come on site
  • Job site conditions change (e.g. weather, availability of materials, etc.)

How do I Fill Out a Field Level Hazard Assessment?

To fill out a field level hazard assessment, begin by using a field level hazard assessment template and proceed with the following steps:

  1. Briefly discuss the tasks to be done during the shift.
  2. Specify and take photos of the hazards in your work area before you begin work for the day.
  3. Indicate how the hazards are going to be controlled.
  4. Update the tasks, hazards, and controls in real-time.

Sample Field Level Hazard Assessment Template Report

Jona Tarlengco
Article by

Jona Tarlengco

SafetyCulture Content Specialist
Jona Tarlengco is a content writer and researcher for SafetyCulture since 2018. She usually writes about safety and quality topics, contributing to the creation of well-researched articles. Her years of experience in one of the world’s leading business news organisations helps enrich the quality of the information in her work.

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Field Level Risk Assessment Template
A field level risk assessment (FLRA) is used by construction workers for early detection and control of health and safety risks at a job site. The frontline worker can assess the likelihood and consequences of a hazard and provide a risk rating. This template includes a pre-work checklist to ensure that baseline responsibilities are fulfilled before commencing tasks. Assign real-time actions to co-workers or the construction manager with the use of this digital FLRA template.
Field Level Hazard Assessment Checklist Template
A field level hazard assessment checklist is used to identify hazards, assess risks, and control exposure to them before the tasks for the day begin. Evaluate your work area and tasks, specify the PPE requirement, identify the potential hazards, and conduct the risk assessment based on the matrix included in this template. The identified controls may require additional precautions to be taken or that certain tasks be prohibited until a safer means to complete them is made available.