Featured Property Management Forms
Property Inspection Report Form
Use this checklist to maintain the safety and good condition of properties. This property inspection report form records the condition of properties which can help with property maintenance. It includes checking areas of the property such as:
- Livability / Neighborhood rating
- Interior and exterior structural condition
- Wiring condition
Condition Survey Report (Residential)
This condition survey report assists chartered surveyors, property owners, or managers to assess areas of a residential property and evaluate its functionality. A condition survey report includes checking the residential premises:
- Entry points
- Lounge room
- Dining area
- Kitchen
- Bedroom(s)
- Bathroom(s)
FHA Appraisal Checklist - Health & Safety
An FHA appraisal checklist is used for performing comprehensive assessments of a property’s livability. Download and use this checklist to ensure health and safety in a property through the following steps:
- Take pictures of the front, sides, and back of the house
- Check the possible hazards (e.g., soil contamination, drainage, water supply, insects, road access, soundness of the structure, roof, mechanical systems, lead-based paint, and other issues)
- Check compliance with legal standards
- Complete the inspection with the overall comment and assessment of the property’s health and safety.
Rental Property Inspection Checklist
This property inspection checklist is designed for rental properties. This is to be utilized by landlords or property managers (and even tenants too) to assess the overall condition of their rental property. Use this checklist to look out for structural issues (ie., needs cleaning, needs repairing, and needs replacing). This rental property inspection checklist goes through the following common areas in a property:
- Living room
- Kitchen
- Dining room
- Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Other (e.g., patio, parking, porch, lawn, etc.)
Property Management Inspection Checklist
This property management inspection checklist can be used to perform a comprehensive assessment of a property’s elements. Areas to review include the following:
- Entrance Hall Way
- Lounge Room
- Master Bedroom
- Other Bedrooms
- Bathrooms
- Separate Toilets
- Dinning Room
- Kitchen
- Court Yard
- Balcony
- Car Parks
- Garage
Property Management Inspection Report
Properties and facilities inspectors can utilize this ready-to-use template to conduct an overall inspection of a property plus its systems, inside and outside. When employed with a digital tool, users can directly attach photos or videos of certain areas of the property that needs to be looked into immediately. This template also allows you to:
- Assess the property’s entry
- Review the fire protection system and emergency management
- Look into possible hazardous substances
- Evaluate the interior and exterior environment
- Add specific observations in the property
Managed Property Inspection Checklist
Use this checklist to do a condition report and periodic inspection of a managed property. Further, owners and inspectors can use this as a guide in making sure that a property is functioning at its optimum. Download and use this template in SafetyCulture to quickly identify potential issues by reviewing the following:
- Exterior
- Interior
- Issues
- General Condition
- Other Actions
Monthly Property Management Site Inspection Checklist
This comprehensive template is ideal for monthly property inspections. It eases the process of adding descriptions, observations, and remedial actions, as well as the level of priority, and target of completion for each identified property issue. Employing this template through a digital tool also enables users to effortlessly attach media-based evidence for a clear overview of the inspection report.
Annual Property Check-Up
Property managers can utilize this pre-existing template to conduct annual property inspections and proactively respond to any issues that are found. With this checklist, users can evaluate the following areas and systems:
- Exterior condition
- Decks, patios, walkways
- Kitchen
- Bathrooms
- Other rooms
- Utility room
- Detectors
- Shut-offs
- Garage

Jairus Andales