5 Best Lone Worker Safety Devices in 2025

5 Best Safety Devices for Lone Workers in 2024

Why use SHEQSY for lone worker safety?

SHEQSY is the leading lone worker safety solution that protects employees in real time and makes it easy to manage, monitor, and report on their activities from one user-friendly dashboard.

SHEQSY’s smartphone app (for iOS & Android) enables lone workers to quickly trigger their duress, check in periodically, complete safety forms and checklists, share hazard reports, communicate with managers, and more. Meanwhile, from the SHEQSY Dashboard, managers can view employees’ real-time locations, send out emergency roll calls, run reports, manage overtime and duress events, schedule appointments (via integration with Outlook, Google Calendar, et al.), and more.

SHEQSY is fully customizable to suit your organization’s unique safety requirements and work environments. Use the SHEQSY app standalone, or integrate it with discreet Bluetooth wearables and handheld satellite devices. SHEQSY also offers a 24/7 security monitoring center.

Review of SHEQSY:

“With a significant number of our staff performing outreach appointments in the community and in clients’ homes, having an appointment overtime alert function provides our organization with peace of mind that the welfare of our staff is being monitored for each of their appointments. SHEQSY is easy to use and integrates with Outlook appointments which is not only convenient but saves our staff time.”

SHEQSY Key Features:

  • Real-time GPS location sharing
  • Quick, easy duress alarm activation
  • Activity countdown timer
  • Periodic check-in
  • Overtime alerting
  • Hazard and incident reporting
  • Customizable checklists and safety forms
  • Location notes
  • Emergency roll call
  • Integrated Bluetooth wearables & handheld satellite devices
  • 24/7 professional monitoring and response center
  • Calendar, scheduling, navigation, and reporting integrations
  • Public APIs for integration with other platforms

SHEQSY Benefits:

  • Comprehensive safety and management system
  • Maintains lone workers’ personal privacy
  • User-friendly
  • Excellent customer support
  • Fully customizable
  • Reliable and intuitive
  • Deployed easily, within minutes
  • Integration with other lone worker safety devices

Why use Garmin inReach® for lone worker safety?

Garmin inReach® Satellite Communicator Devices ensure that employees who work alone outside of mobile coverage are protected and accounted for with GPS location tracking, two-way messaging, long-life battery, the ability to trigger SOS/duress notifications, and integration with other devices and solutions.

Integration with SHEQSY:

Garmin inReach® Satellite Communicator Devices (SE+ and Explorer) integrate with the SHEQSY lone worker system. When used with the SHEQSY lone worker system, employers can manage, monitor, and report on lone workers’ activities, locations, and safety statuses in real-time from the user-friendly, cloud-based SHEQSY Dashboard, and receive real-time duress notifications via email, text message, and automated phone call. Employers can also deploy SHEQSY’s 24/7 safety monitoring center to verify duress situations and coordinate emergency responses.

Garmin inReach® Key Features:

  • Rugged handheld satellite communicators
  • Two-way text messaging via satellite
  • Trigger SOS
  • Track and share user’s location
  • Integrates with compatible mobile devices

Garmin inReach® Benefits:

  • Satellite system, functions outside of mobile coverage

Why use SPOT for lone worker safety?

SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger devices help employers protect and connect to lone workers performing duties anywhere, with features such as one-touch emergency response, messaging, alerts, and location tracking. SPOT Gen3 and Gen4 devices integrate with other solutions and devices to provide a customizable safety solution.

Integration with SHEQSY:

SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger devices integrate with the SHEQSY lone worker safety system. When integrated with SHEQSY, employers can easily manage, monitor, and report on SPOT users’ activities, locations, and safety statuses in real time from the user-friendly, cloud-based SHEQSY Dashboard and receive real-time duress notifications.

SPOT Key Features:

  • Small, yet rugged design
  • SOS emergency button
  • GPS location tracking
  • Text/email check-in messaging
  • Custom messaging

SPOT Benefits:

  • Satellite system, functions outside of mobile coverage

Why use the Flic2 Smart Button for lone worker safety?

An official partner of SafetyCulture, Flic2 Smart Buttons enable lone workers to quickly, easily, and discreetly communicate with managers and send emergency notifications.

Integration with SHEQSY:

Lone workers who require the ability to discreetly communicate and trigger a panic can use the Flic2 Smart Button when connected to an in-range smartphone (with the SHEQSY app downloaded). When integrated with SHEQSY, employees can use the button to inconspicuously extend their activity timers by 15 minutes, check in to confirm their well-being, and trigger a QuickPanic in the event of an emergency. 

Meanwhile, from the SHEQSY app, lone workers can access all other SHEQSY features, such as hazard reports, location notes, safety checklists, and more. All this critical safety and activity data is automatically synced and stored in the SHEQSY management dashboard. Managers can receive real-time duress notifications via email, text message, and automated phone calls, or use SHEQSY’s 24/7 security monitoring center.

Flic2 Smart Button Key Features:

  • Pre-set messaging
  • Location sharing
  • Request help
  • Alerts
  • 3 triggers: Push, double push, and hold
  • 10 meter range to phone (for integration with SHEQSY smartphone app)

Flic2 Smart Button Benefits:

  • Fast and efficient
  • User-friendly

Why use Ok Alone for lone worker safety?

Similar to SHEQSY, Ok Alone enables lone workers to check in at regular intervals and press a panic button to request help in an emergency.

Review of Ok Alone:

“We needed a system in place that allowed us to efficiently monitor staff presence in our sites. This software provided what we needed.” (Source: Capterra)

Ok Alone Key Features:

  • 24/7 call center
  • Geofencing safety zone
  • GPS monitoring
  • Time sheet reports
  • High-risk check-ins

Ok Alone Benefits:

  • Clear fixed pricing
  • No long-term contracts
  • Unlimited Monitors
  • SMS, auto phone calls, emails and WhatsApp

Free Version?


Free Trial?

A 7-day free trial is available. No obligation.

Ok Alone Pricing:

Plans start at $5/£4 per person per month.

What is a Lone Worker Safety Device Used For?

Keeping your lone workers safe may seem like a daunting task. But in 2024, there are various innovative lone worker safety devices that can make protecting and managing your lone workers easy and efficient. From lone worker smartphone apps to handheld satellite devices, in this guide, you will discover the best lone worker safety devices available in 2024.

Types of Lone Worker Safety Devices

There are three types of lone worker safety devices commonly used in the workplace:

  • lone worker safety apps (deployed via smartphones);
  • Bluetooth devices (such as panic buttons); and
  • handheld satellite devices.

Of these three types, lone worker safety smartphone apps are the most broadly used across all industries and lone-working job types; that is because they provide the most significant data and are affordable, user-friendly, and easy to deploy across employees’ existing devices. They may be used standalone or integrated with other devices for added functionality.

On the other hand, Bluetooth and handheld satellite devices have more specific use cases and should be used in conjunction with a lone worker app for best results. For example, an in-home healthcare professional who may need to discreetly call for help without their patient noticing would require a Bluetooth device that is integrated with a lone worker safety app. Meanwhile, an employee working in a rural location outside of mobile phone coverage, such as a utility maintenance worker, would require a satellite device.

Lone Worker Safety Device FAQs

What are lone worker devices?

Lone worker devices are safety devices designed to protect workers who work alone or in isolated environments. These safety devices can come in the form of smartphones (smartphone apps), Bluetooth buttons, handheld satellite devices, et al. These devices’ primary functions are panic/emergency activation and alerting, GPS location sharing, and periodic well-being check-ins. By deploying these types of devices, organizations can help keep lone workers safe while streamlining management and complying with local workplace health and safety laws.

How can we protect lone workers?

Employers can protect lone workers by utilizing safety devices such as smartphones (with lone worker safety apps), satellite-based trackers and communicators, and Bluetooth devices. Generally speaking, these devices enable employers to keep track of workers’ locations in real time and provide emergency assistance when needed. Additionally, implementing rigorous lone worker safety procedures and protocols is another effective way to ensure their safety in isolated environments. Employers should also provide relevant training for employees that regularly work alone so they have the knowledge necessary to stay safe while on the job.

What types of specialist equipment can be used to aid the safety of a lone worker?

There are many tools that can be deployed to aid the safety of lone workers. These include lone worker safety solutions (such as smartphone apps like SHEQSY), a detailed and easy-to-follow lone worker safety policy, personal protective equipment (PPE), and relevant training.

How do you use a lone worker device?

Lone worker devices can be deployed across lone- and remote-working teams to ensure they stay safe and connected. Most commonly, lone worker safety smartphone apps are used. Via the SHEQSY app, lone workers can quickly trigger their duress in emergency situations, check in periodically, share location notes and hazard reports, and more. Meanwhile, from the SHEQSY dashboard, managers can:

  • view lone workers’ locations and activity data;
  • manage duress events and overtime alerts;
  • send out emergency roll call requests;
  • send notifications for acknowledgment;
  • run reports, schedule appointments and tasks for lone workers; and more.

Out of the top lone worker safety devices available this year, SHEQSY is the best choice. See the solution in action in this 90-second video.

Click here to start your free trial today.

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