&SafetyCulture Partner

Freshcare Forms Online with SafetyCulture

Welcome to your digital Freshcare record keeping solution.

Utilising the SafetyCulture platform, Freshcare record keeping forms have been streamlined and digitised for the current Food Safety & Quality (FSQ4.2) standards criteria.

This subscription-based service provides a user-friendly online system, to assist with achieving certification for an affordable monthly fee.

SafetyCulture offers a wide range of resources to help you get started including 24-hour x 5 day a week support, quick user guide videos, product guides, community chat forums, training and education courses.

SafetyCulture is offering participants a 30-day free trial of the Freshcare customised platform to get you up and running in no time!

Freshcare Forms Online aligns the Freshcare Food Safety & Quality 4.2 Standard with the record keeping requirements for growing and packing operations.

Enhance the way your team captures data, identifies improvement areas, and collaborates by signing up today for your 30-day free trial.

Get up and running in no time

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